Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Papers About Taphonomy of Fossil Tracks

Papers About Taphonomy of Fossil Tracks

While slumming on the Internet, I came across some
interesting papers about fossil trackways, they include:

Marty, Daniel, 2008, Sedimentology, taphonomy, and
ichnology of Late Jurassic dinosaur tracks from the
Jura carbonate platform (Chevenez—Combe Ronde
track site, NW Switzerland): insights into the tidal-flat
palaeoenvironment and dinosaur diversity, locomotion,
and palaeoecology. PhD these, Goefocus vol. 21,
Département de Géosciences – Sciences de la Terre
Université de Fribourg (Suisse).

Braillard, L., W. A. Hug, and C. A. Meyer, 2007, Late
Jurassic dinosaur tracksites of the Transjurane
highway (Canton Jura, NW Switzerland): over- view
and measures for their protection and valorisation.
Bulletin für angewandte Geologie (Bulletin of applied
Geology) vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 75–89.

Marty, D., A. Strasser, and C. A. Meyer, 2009,
Formation and taphonomy of human footprints in
microbial mats of present-day tidal-flat environments:
implications for the study of fossil footprints. Ichnos.
vol. 16, no. 1–2, pp. 127–142.

More publications about dinosaur and other trackways

In terms of of Chinese fossils trackways, I came across:

Dai, H., L. Xing , D. Marty, J. Zhang, W. S. Persons,
H. Hu, and Fengping Wang, 2015, Microbially-induced
sedimentary wrinkle structures and possible impact
of microbial mats for the enhanced preservation of
dinosaur tracks from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan
Formation near Qijiang (Chongqing, China) Cretaceous
Research. vol. 53, article no. 98e109

More PDF files about Chinese fossil trackways can be
found and downloaded from either

Finally, there is summary paper (book chapter) about
the well-known dinosaur tracks of Dinosaur Valley
State Park, Texas:

Farlow, J. O. M. O'brien, G. J. Kuban, B. F. Dattilo,
K. T. Bates, P. L. Falkingham, L. Pinuela, A. Rose,
A. Freels, C. Kumagai, C. Libben, J. Smith, and J.
Whitcraft, 2012, Dinosaur Tracksites of the Paluxy
River Valley (Glen Rose Formation, Lower Cretaceous),
Dinosaur Valley State Park, Somervell County, Texas.
Actas de V Jrnadas Internacionales sobre Paleontologia
de Dinosaurios y su Entorno, Salas de los Infantes,
Burgos. pp. 41 - 69.


Paul H.