Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Monday, 20 May 2013

More False Reports of 300 or 400 Million Year Old “Russian Screws”

More False Reports of 300 or 400 Million Year Old “Russian Screws”

More claims of ancient million year-old Russian fossil
screws have appeared on the Internet. For example,
ther is the August 13, 2012 “300 Million Year Old Screw
Found! Who Built It?,” Disclose TV article at

and the January 24, 2013, the "Russian Screw Fossil,"
Disclose TV article at 

In addition, the picture of the alleged fossil screw that
appeared in the August 13, 2012 Disclose TV article also
appeared with other so-called “screws” in the September
2012 Brazil Weird News web Site in "New Informations
and Photos of the Machine Dated in 400 Million Years" at

Contrary to the undocumented and unsubstantiated
protestation made in the January 24, 2013 article that
these “screws” cannot be crinoid stems, these objects are
quite clearly fossil crinoid stems. They are classic examples
of combination external molds and steinkerns of fossil
crinoid columnals. In case of the so-called fossil “screws”
illustrated in the Disclose TV articles and of the
“Mysterious Artifacts” at ,
the ribbed external mold of a crinoid columnal and the
steinkern formed by the fill of its central canal can be
seen clearly seen.

In case of the fossil crinoids illustrated on the “Mysterious
Artifacts” web site, a sequence of events can postulated.
First, disarticulated crinoid columnals were buried on the
sea floor in what likely were carbonate sediments. Then,
after burial, these sediments were replaced by chert. The
crinoid columnal, being composed of single crystals of
calcite, were resistant to silicification and were not
replaced by chert. Later, the nodules or layers of chert were
weathered and eroded. Because of the weathering, the
crinoid columnals, being composed of calcite, were
selectively dissolved leaving empty molds in the chert
that illustrated in the pictures on the “Mysterious Artifacts”
web page. Similar molds and steinkerns can form when
crinoidal limestones are dolomitized and the undolomitized
crinoidal columnals are later selectively removed by either
weathering or formation waters.

some example of these fossils can be seen in:

1. Fossil, Falls of the Ohio State Park, DNR State Parks and Reservoirs

2. “…1/4 inch crinoid stem with its central canal seen as a
pillar in the middle..” Fossils From the Redwall Limestone

3. Carboniferous Marine Fossils From the Ozarks, Crinoid

4. Crinoid Stem, Silurian, Humbolt State University

5. Crinoid Stem - Photo Archive of fossils found at Weston-Super-Mare

The Discovery TV and related reports are also problematical
because none of the people and research mentioned in them
cannot be verified as being real.

False reports about 400 million year-old “machines” have
also appeared previously on the internet. A couple of posts
discussing one such report are:

1. Machine dated at 400 million years found in Russia,
Brazil Weird News, March 8, 2012,

and 2. Misterioso Fossile in Russia: Astronave Antica?
Blog di informiamo l'AlterBlog, March 6, 2012,

In the source material from which these articles used,
someone appears to have been either indulging in
practical jokes or testing the gullibility of Internet bloggers
as the picture of this alleged “fossil machine” from Russia
comes directly from a Wikimedia file
“File:FossileLaudonomphalus regularisP1.jpg” at:

Another picture of this specimen is found at
“File:FossileLaudonomphalus regularis.jpg” at

In both web pages, the specimen claimed to be a 400 million
year-old “machine” from Russia is clearly labeled as the crinoid
“Laudonomphalus regularis” from the Givetian, Devonian of
northern France. This specific specimen is indicated as in
the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Lille, France.

This is noted in the article “400 Million Year Old Machine
Found in Russia” in The truth Behind the Scenes

Obviously, someone noticed how much these crinoid fossils
looked like gears and decided to have some fun by claiming
they is a 400 million year-old machine.

Paul H.