Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 19 October 2004

Question about Comets, Shock Waves, and Craters

Question about Comets, Shock Waves, and Craters

Paul H bristolia at
Tue Oct 19 15:28:53 EDT 2004

I have come across an idea with people,
while engaged in the discussion of geology,
which claims that when a comet disintegrates,
it can produce some type of "shock wave" that
can impact the ground in a way as to produce
a crater. Although the person will claim that
this is scientifically possible, he or she can't
produce a detailed physical model about
how this actually happens.

Has anyone published any type of physical
model about how the disintegration /
explosion / aerial detonation of a comet
can produce "shock waves" / "jets" capable
of producing craters? Is there any reality
to this idea? Or is this all techno babble
of the type that a person hears in "Star
Trek" and other science fiction, used to
justify scientifically impossible plot devices?

Best Regards,

Baton Rouge, LA

Tandem Meteorites and Superimposed Craters- Fact or Fiction?

Tandem Meteorites and Superimposed Craters- Fact or Fiction?

Paul H bristolia at
Tue Oct 19 15:24:09 EDT 2004

Occasionally. I have seen people speculate
about what are called "tandem meteorites".
As defined by these people, these are
meteorites that follow right behind each
other, and when they impact on Earth,
they create craters within craters. Is there
any documented example of a meteorite
following a meteorite impacting in such
a way to create superimposed craters
within craters? What about producing
a smaller crater within a larger crater
being produced this way?

Is this idea just someone's vivid imagination?

Best Regards,

Baton Rouge, LA