Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Monday, 29 November 2004

An Opportunity For Public Service, Profit, and Publicity

An Opportunity For Public Service, Profit, and Publicity

Paul H bristolia at
Sun Nov 28 20:10:52 EST 2004

While looking around on the Internet, I
found an opportunitye for the meteorite
community to do a public service and, at
the same time possibly profit for their

This ooportunity exists at the "Earth
Science World ImageBank" at:

"The Earth Science World ImageBank is a
service provided by the American Geological
Institute (AGI). This ImageBank is designed
to provide quality geoscience images to the
public, educators, and the geoscience

First, the meteorite community could do a
public service by submitting representative
pictures of meteorites, tektites, impactites,
impact craters, meteorite thin sections,
and anything else related to meteorites. As
far as I found this database has only one
picture of a meteorite and no images of
tektites. It would certainly would be a
public service to contribute pictures of
meteorites and related items, which can be
used for educational purposes. I am using
the word "contribute" because the person
submitting the pictures still retains
copyright on it and can still require a
fee for any commercial use.

It would be a public service if a collection
of meteorite photographs could be submitted
to this web site that included an example
of each different type of meteorite and a
selection of pictures of historically
important falls. Also, pictures of craters,
meteorites as they are found in the field,
impactites, shocked belenmites, shocked
quartz, etc. would be an important

Second, one feature of the image data bank
is that a person can permit the free use
of their images for specific educational
purposes and, yet, require people, who want
to use an image for commercial purposes,
pay them a set fee for each use of one of
their images. Thus, not only can a person
perform a public service by providing
images of meteorites, impact craters,
impactites, tektites, thin sections, and
so forth, they also can profit from an
image in the database, if someone wants
to use it for commercial purposes.

Finally, the people on this list should
note that the name of the person or company
hdoling teh copyright is displayed in the
database. This gives them some free publicity.
Also, if an image is used for educational
purposes, the database requests that the
proper credit be given to it. Again, the
contributors will get some more free
publicity whenever their image is used.

For details of how to contribute, go to:

"The Earth Science World ImageBank is
always looking to collect more high-
quality geoscience images for this
growing collection. The primary mission
of the ESWIB is to provide these images
to educators, the geoscience community,
and the public for non-commercial use.
Your contribution and assistance in
helping us develop this lasting resource
will not only benefit the scientific
community, but also help to enhance
Earth System education."

Best Regards,

Baton Rouge, LA

Thursday, 25 November 2004

Alleged Picture of "Meteorite Photographed Hitting Earth"

Alleged Picture of "Meteorite Photographed Hitting Earth"

Paul H bristolia at
Wed Nov 24 20:29:28 EST 2004

In the thread "Meteorite Photographed Hitting The
Earth in Australia?" at:

Mike Groetz asked:

>Good Afternoon- If someone finds a link to

>the photo - would you please post it?

For whatever a person might think it is worth, the
picture can found at:

Meteorite 'photographed' hitting Earth
By Nigel Adlam,, November 24, 2004,4057,11483286%255E13762,00.html,3600,398650,00.jpg


Baton Rouge, LA

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

My Eyes Are Glazing Over- Need "Scorecard"

My Eyes Are Glazing Over- Need "Scorecard"

Paul H bristolia at
Mon Nov 22 10:26:20 EST 2004

As someone, who is trying to follow this discussion,
my eyes are starting glaze over with NWA 1110 this;
NWA 2223 that; NWA 3133 is mine; NWA 3133 is not
yours; my NWA 1906 is real; your NWA 1906 is fake;
may the real NWA 788, NWA 787, or NWA 482,
please stand up. It is hard to search back through
the innumerable posts, given the lack of a search
engine specifically for the archives, to find out the
details behind each specific number is being talked

At some point, it seems someone needs to provide
a "scorecard" of some sort, if it doesn't already
exist, about what each of these "players" (meteorites)

in the number game are about. It would help the soft
core, uninitiated lurkers better understand what is
the significance of NWA XXXX versus either

As the posts go back and forth about these numbers,
I think of a song to the tune of "This Land is Your
Land" that starts out as "NWA 1110 is My number,
NWA 1110 is not your number from Uranus to Mercury…"
appearing at some point.


Baton Rouge, LA

Saturday, 20 November 2004

New Google Search Engine For Scholars

New Google Search Engine For Scholars

Paul H bristolia at
Fri Nov 19 10:20:49 EST 2004

There is a new Google Search Engine called "Google
Scholar Beta". An article about is:

Google Adds Search Site for Scholars
TechNewsWorld, November 19, 2004.

It is suppose to help people find scholarly research on
Internet. The URL for this new search engine is:

Best Regards,


Wednesday, 10 November 2004

Crater question???

Crater question???

Paul H bristolia at
Tue Nov 9 23:05:43 EST 2004

Tom AKA James Knudson wrote;

>Hello List, It seems that every meteorite made

>crater was first thought to be volcanic,

>including the craters on the moon. We all know

>what Barringer had to go through to prove meteor

>crater was in fact a meteor made crater. If you

>compare the crater pictured in this link with the

>craters on page 152 in your rocks from space

>book, they look quite a bit a like. I am wondering

>if anyone ever searched for evidence of this crater

>being meteoric as apposed to volcanic? It would

>make a fine dinosaur killer!


Geologists have studied the Ngorongoro Crater. It is a

caldera, a crater of volcanic origin. It is only 2.4
million years old.

Some publications about it are:

Gromme, C. S., Reilly, T. A., Mussett, A. E., and Hay,

R. L., 1971, Palaeomagnetism and potassium-argon ages
of volcanic rocks of Ngorongoro Caldera, Tanzania.
Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society.

vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 101-115.

Searle, R. C., 1972, A Gravity Survey of Ngorongoro
Caldera, Tanzania. Bulletin Volcanologique. vol. 35,
no. 2, pp. 350-357.

Walter, R. C., Manega, P. C., Farmer, G. L., and Hart,

W. K., 1990, Geochemical and temporal constraints on
magma genesis of the Ngorongoro volcanic highland,
Tanzania. Seventh international conference on
Geochronology, cosmochronology and isotope geology;
abstracts volume. Abstracts - Geological Society of
Australia. voll. 27, pp. 108.

What I would like to know, is what ever came of the
huge, crater-like feature found by seismic surveys
buried beneath the continental shelf of Columbia.
Before the Chixulub Crater was recognized, a number
of people thought that it might be the site of a
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact.

Best Regards,

Baton Rouge, LA