Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Thursday, 25 May 2006

Football-Size Rock Crashes Through Roof and Lodges in Wall in Nevada

Football-Size Rock Crashes Through Roof and Lodges in Wall in Nevada

Paul bristolia at
Thu May 25 13:19:50 EDT 2006

'A LOT OF FORCE': Mystery object hits center
Substance to be sent to UNLV for analysis

"On Saturday night, an unidentified object was sent hurtling
through the roof at Steven Gleicher's workplace.

Was the football-sized object a meteor or perhaps something
more common?

And perhaps just as puzzling: How could it rip through a thick pane
of fiberglass strong enough to hold a human being and then embed
itself into a wall?

"It could just be a large piece of asphalt because it is grey on the
outside and black in the middle," said Gleicher, an administrator
at Diagnostic Imaging Southern Nevada, at 3560 E. Flamingo Road,
near Pecos Road."

..... rest of article deleted....

Wednesday, 17 May 2006

Scientists Look to Moon for Signs of Early Earth Life

Scientists Look to Moon for Signs of Early Earth Life

Paul bristolia at
Wed May 17 14:33:49 EDT 2006

Scientists Look to Moon for Signs of Early Earth Life by Robert Krulwich

"Morning Edition, May 17, 2006 · The first life on earth would
have left traces in our planet's infant rocks. But those early
layers have since been squeezed and heated out of all
recognition. Some researchers say we should look for
evidence of the earliest life on earth in rocks on the moon."

Wednesday, 10 May 2006

Meteorite Fragment Found in Morokweng Crater Impact Melt

Meteorite Fragment Found in Morokweng Crater Impact Melt

Paul bristolia at
Wed May 10 17:23:59 EDT 2006

Maier, W. D., M. A. G. Andreoli, I. McDonald, M. D. Higgins, A. J. Boyce, A.
Shukolyukov, G. W. Lugmair, L. D. Ashwal, P. Graser, E. M. Ripley, and R. J.
Hart, 2006, Discovery of a 25-cm asteroid clast in the giant Morokweng
impact crater, South Africa. Nature. vol. 441, no. 4751, pp. 203-206.

Fragment of an LL6 chondrite breccia found impact melt of 70 km
diameter crater in South Africa.

Information about the Morokweng Impact Crater can be found at:

Saturday, 6 May 2006

Middle Stone Age Impact Identified in Western Desert, Egypt

Middle Stone Age Impact Identified in Western Desert, Egypt

Paul bristolia at
Sat May 6 21:44:25 EDT 2006

Some archeologists and geologists have published research about
a Middle Stone Age meteorite impact, which occurred in the Western
Desert of Egypt.

Haldemann, A.F.C., M.R. Kleindienst, C.S. Churcher, J.R. Smith, H.P.
Schwarcz, K. Markham, and G. Osinski, 2005, [17.03] Mapping
Impact Modified Sediments: Subtle Remote-Sensing Signatures of
the Dakhleh Oasis Catastrophic Event, Western Desert, Egypt.
Session 17 Dust, Impacts and Earth Atmosphere, 37th AAS Division
for Planetary Sciences Meeting, 31st AAS Historical Astronomy
Division Meeting and the Royal Astronomical Society, 4-9
September 2005, University of Cambridge, UK.

"Ca-Al rich glass (Dakhleh Glass) points to a catastrophic event
between c. 100,000 - 200,000 years ago in this well-studied
African savannah and freshwater lake, Middle Stone Age


A.F.C. Haldemann, M.R. Kleindienst, C.S. Churcher, J.R. Smith,
H.P. Schwarcz, and G. Osinski, 2005, Volatiles in the Desert:
Subtle Remote-Sensing Signatures of the Dakhleh Oasis
Catastrophic Event, Western Desert, Egypt. Role of Volatiles
and Atmospheres on Martian Impact Craters 2005 Meeting, Lunar
and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas.


Haldemann, A. F. C., M. R. Kleindienst, C. S. Churcher, J. R. Smith,
H. P. Schwarcz and G. R. Osinski, 2005, Mapping impact modified
sediments: subtle remote-sensing signatures of the Dakhleh Oasis
Catastrophic Event, Western Desert, Egypt. The Sedimentary
Record of Meteorite ImpactsMeeting , Society for Sedimentary
Geology, Springfield, Missouri.

"Bracketing by archaeological remains confirms the chronometric
date obtained on the glass of 122,000 ± 40,000 yrs for the
heating event--during the Middle Stone Age occupations of the
oasis area"

Paul H.

Friday, 5 May 2006

Google Earth (Map) Question was "New Impact Structures"

Google Earth (Map) Question was "New Impact Structures"

Paul bristolia at
Fri May 5 14:35:19 EDT 2006

Jeff Kuyken wrote:

"Or click here for a pic for those of you without Google Earth, etc"

When using Google Earth or Google Maps, is there some
way of finding out what the metadata, i.e. source, date, kind,
resolution, etc., of the imagery for the area being viewed?

Best regards,
