Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Friday, 30 June 2006

Old Italian Lithograph of Japanese Fall

Old Italian Lithograph of Japanese Fall

Paul bristolia at
Fri Jun 30 17:12:57 EDT 2006

Metorman46 at wrote:

>Jeff; I have to wonder about the report of a tsunami

>associated with this March 16 fall.If the report is true

>and or verified by research in japan that would be

>amazing.To generate a tsunami the bolide had to

>strike the sea,as you know.Japan was in a state of

>limbo at this time in history after the II world war

>and being occupied by allied forces.News about a

>bolide probably wasn't spread around very much

>because of that situation.I would venture to

>guess that a local record exists somewhere that

>would shed more light on this event. Maybe

>someone in japan could research the matter.


>To me ,this is intrigueing and could lead somewhere

>or not if checked out.TSUNAMI,TSUNAMI.that is the

>key,i think. Interesting topic Jeff.

I checked with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. It
turns out that although there is no catalogue of Russian
tsunamis in Soviet times, the Japanese kept and still
keep a very detailed catalogue listing all of the
tsunamis that hit Japan each year. The Japanese kept
very exact and detailed records, even in 1947, of the
tsunamis, which hit their coasts. For example, they
found a record of a small tsunami that hit Japan on
November 4, 1947. It was associated with an
earthquake off the west coast of Hokkaido.

However, the Japanese catalogue lists nothing for either
February 12, 1947 or the months on either side of it. In
the japanese and other tsunamis catalogues, there
exist “orphan” tsunamis, whose source is unknown. If
you are looking for meteorite impact tsunamis, these
are the ones to be investigated ion some manner.

Best Regards,

Paul H.

Monday, 26 June 2006

Online Publication About Hypothesized Iraqi Impact Structure

Online Publication About Hypothesized Iraqi Impact Structure

Paul bristolia at
Mon Jun 26 12:25:09 EDT 2006

The PDF version of a publication on the hypothesized Iraqi Impact
Crater is available online. The paper is:

Master, S. and Woldai, T. (2004) The UMM Al Binni structure in the
Mesopotamian marshlands of Southern Iraq, as a postulated late
holocene meteorite impact crater : geological setting and new
LANDSAT ETM + and Aster satellite imagery. Johannesburg,
University of Witwatersrand, Economic Geology Research Institute
(EGRI), 2004. EGRI - HALL : information circular 382, 21 p.

It can be downloaded from a link at: and

The 2 MB PDF file of it can be downloaded directly from:


Paul H.

Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Re: Does a Giant Crater Lie Beneach the Antarctic Ice?

Re: Does a Giant Crater Lie Beneach the Antarctic Ice?

Paul bristolia at
Tue Jun 6 13:08:13 EDT 2006

On June 4, 2006, Ron Baalke quoted

Does a giant crater lie beneath the Antarctic ice?
Signs of an ancient impact could help to explain a mass
extinction. by Mark Peplow,,June 2, 2006"

In part, the article stated:

“An impact of that size should also have melted and
twisted nearby rock. Yet rocks in the Transantarctic
Mountains of the same age show no evidence of the
collision, says Jane Francis, a geologist also at the
University of Leeds. "That sequence has been worked
on before, and no one has found evidence to support
a massive impact like this," she says.”

This is an excellent point as there are complete stratigraphic
sections across the Permian-Triassic boundary exposed in
the Transantarctic Mountains and undisputed impact ejecta
and other evidence of a nearby impact of such a size is
completely lacking. The reports of shocked quartz from
these outcrops have been retracted and the reports of helium-
filled fullerenes, meteorite fragments, and other impact-
related debris are highly disputed. A full description of the
Permian-Triassic boundary and a discussion of the impact
ejecta reported from it can be found in:

Collinson, J. W., Hammer, W. R., Askin, R. A., and Elliot,
D. E., 2006, Permian-Triassic boundary in the central
Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. Geological Society
of America Bulletin. vol. 118, no. 5, pp. 747–763.
doi: 10.1130/B25739.1



Saturday, 10 June 2006

Free Online Topographic Maps of Various Countries

Free Online Topographic Maps of Various Countries

Paul bristolia at
Sat Jun 10 01:44:05 EDT 2006

Scanned images of Russian topographic maps (at scales from 1:10,000 to
1:5,000,000, but mostly 1:100,000 and 1:200,000) of a wide variety of
countries, including Africa, Albania, Liybia, China, Australia, Greece, India,
Indonesia, and so forth are available free of charge at:

