Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

More articles on Peruvian Event and Possible Picture

More articles on Peruvian Event and Possible Picture

Paul bristolia at
Sat Sep 22 10:10:32 EDT 2007

Some recent articles of interest about the Peruvian explosion.

1. Meteorite causes a stir in Peru: The explosion near Carancas
frightened and awed residents and (they say) made them sick. Los
Angeles Times, September 21, 2007,1,5605341.story?coll=la-headlines-world

This article has some detail about local reaction, including
hopes to bring in tourists.

2. In Peru, a Crater and Questions By Mike Nizza and Mike Nizza
New york Times bloggers, who visited the crater, September 20, 2007,

3. Peruvian Meteorite Has Sci Fi Twist By Bill Christensen,, September 19, 2007

4. Space object or meteorite that fell in Peru causes sickness

This has a untitled picture, which may or may not be of whatever
fell in Peru.

5. Meteorite Likely Caused Crater in Peru

Correction: Peru Meteorite Story, Associated Press



Friday, 21 September 2007

Experts Skeptical of Peruvian Meteorite Impact

Experts Skeptical of Peruvian Meteorite Impact

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 20 17:06:51 EDT 2007

Scientists Doubt Meteorite Sickened Peruvians by
By Andrea Thompson,, September 19, 2007

Experts: 'Meteor' Gases Likely Caused by Geyser,
Fox News September 19, 2007,2933,297369,00.html

The only saving grace about this story is the last line, which reads:

"Peruvian geologists are on their way to examine the crater, according to news reports."

Hopefully, this means someone will get down to the bottom of this mess and determine what really happened.

These stories have been followed by:

Peruvian Geophysicist Confirms Claim of Meteorite Crash
By Monte Hayes, Associated Press, September. 19, 2007

It stated:

"Jose Mechare, a scientist with Peru's Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, said a geologist had confirmed that it was a "rocky meteorite,'' based on the fragments analyzed."

The sickness was explained by this line in the article:

"He said fear may have provoked psychosomatic ailments."

They article finally stated:

"She said that after the meteorite struck, small rocks
rained down on the roof of her house for several minutes and she feared the house was going to collapse."

Best Regards,


National Geographic Special (and PNAS paper ??) on Firestone's Ideas

National Geographic Special (and PNAS paper ??) on Firestone's Ideas

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 20 17:14:12 EDT 2007

Dear Friends,
I have been told that there will be a National Geographic Special on the National Geographic Channel about Firestone's Terminal Pleistocene impact and extinction ideas on Sunday, October 7, 2007.

Scant Evidence of "Recent" Water Activity on Mars Found

Scant Evidence of "Recent" Water Activity on Mars Found

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 20 23:19:19 EDT 2007

1. Mars Images Reveal Few Signs of Recent Liquid Water:
New pix throw cold water on reports of recently flowing
streams, Scientific American, September 20, 2007

2. Hope for Water on Mars Dims with Sharp New Images, by Jeanna Bryner, September 20, 2007

3. Insights About Mars Water And Climate From NASA Orbiter
Science Daily, September 20, 2007,

4. Baker, J., 2007, Water, Water, Not Everywhere? Science.

vol. 317. no. 5845, p. 1705


Paul H.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Downloadable (PDF) World Map of Impact Craters, Volcanoes, and Tectonics

Downloadable (PDF) World Map of Impact Craters, Volcanoes, and Tectonics

Paul bristolia at
Wed Sep 19 08:48:17 EDT 2007

The United States Geological Survey's world map of
volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters, and plate
tectonics is available online as PDF files. It is:

This Dynamic Planet World Map of Volcanoes, Earthquakes,
Impact Craters, and Plate Tectonics, Third Edition, 2006,
By Tom Simkin, Robert I. Tilling, Peter R. Vogt, Stephen
H. Kirby, Paul Kimberly, and David B. Stewart, United
States Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Map
no. I-2800

"This map shows the Earth's physiographic features, the
current movements of its major tectonic plates, and the
locations of its volcanoes, earthquakes, and impact craters.
Over 1,500 volcanoes active during the past 10,000 years
are plotted on the map in four age categories. The locations
( epicenters) of over 24,000 earthquakes, largely from 1960
through 1990, are plotted in three magnitude categories and
in two depth ranges. This PDF file includes 6 pages of
explanatory and background information, a legend for the
map in landscape mode, schematic cross section, and the
map itself, which is 44 inches wide."

They have both screen and print versions of the PDF files.


Paul H.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

An explanation for “Meteorite” sickness ??

An explanation for “Meteorite” sickness ??

Paul bristolia at
Tue Sep 18 23:02:32 EDT 2007

I was looking at the picture in the various reports, such as:

1. Peru meteorite strike leaves 200 ill

Looking at the picture, it look like whatever caused the “crater”
landed in one of the intermountain basins, which are occupied
by salt pans associated with the beds of salts lakes. The water-
filled “crater” indicates that the lowest part of the lake bed, where
the water table is close to the surface might have been struck. it is
possible that when the crater” was created that enough hydrogen
sulfide and other gases in the lake deposits were released to either
make some people sick and nauseous. The dust generated from
something sediments full of various evaporite minerals might
have been enough to make people feel not well. Because of the
suddenness and sheer surprise of the event many, many other
people might have became sick out of emotional hysteria and
fearfulness after just a few people actually became physical ill.

Alternatively, people might have become ill simply out of shear
emotional fear and hysteria. if for no other reason, given the nature
of the event.

Just Some Thoughts,


Monday, 17 September 2007

New Online Source of Meteorite Publications

New Online Source of Meteorite Publications

Paul bristolia at
Mon Sep 17 11:59:57 EDT 2007

Dear Friends,

I have stumbled across a new online source of meteorite
publications. It is the "ScientificCommons" at:

A source using "meteorites" yieled 2554 hits.

Each page provides the bibliographic data, an abstract, the
ability to export the citation as either EndNote or Bibtex,
and, if a pdf or other digital version of it is available, a link to
where it can be either downloaded or the location of its

For example, in case of the paper "The SNC meteorites:
basaltic igneous processes on Mars (2006)" by P. H.
Warren and J. C. Bridges, it indicates that a Pdf file of
the article is available from of
The Open University Library's e-prints Archive (United


Paul H.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Piece of Willamette Meteorite to be Auctioned

Piece of Willamette Meteorite to be Auctioned

Paul bristolia at
Sun Sep 16 08:57:05 EDT 2007

Garrison asked:

“Is there any known evidence that Willamette was known
by/important to Native Americans in the area pre-removal?
Or was this a "hey, this'd bring tourist dollars, let's try
and get it" situation?”

Back in 2000, the Willamette Meteorite was the center of a
significant lawsuit in terms of how the Native American Graves
Repatriation Act of 1990 would be interpreted. Being associated
with archaeologists as an archaeological geologist at that time, I
heard all sorts of commentary about it during various informal
discussions, which I overheard at meetings and work, between the
archaeologists and anthropologist, with whom I worked.

According to my imperfect recollections of these discussions, the
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde provided, as documented in
their Native American Graves Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) lawsuit, a
well-documented oral history and some written historic records,
which demonstrated that prior to 1855 that the Clackamas Indians,
now part of the modern-day Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde,
definitely regarded the Willamette Meteorite as being quite sacred
and used it regularly as a focus of religious rites. They were forced
to abandoned the ownership of the land, on which it was located and
the meteorite along with the land as a resulted of being forcibly
relocated to new reservations in 1855. Given that it weights 15
tons, it was impossible for them to bring it with them. After that,
their beliefs regarding this meteorite were ignored and dismissed as
“nonsense” from "superstitious Indians” since they had no legal
claim to it and lacked any political power. Later, in order to force
them and many other Indian groups to “assimilate” into American
culture, their legal standing as a recognized tribes were terminated in
1954. It was only in 1983, that the Confederated Tribes of the Grand
Ronde were again legally recognized as even being Native Americans.
Thus, for 29 years, they lacked any sort of legal standing to either
complain about or pursue any claim against anyone in any fashion
and were preoccupied with cultural survival.

It was only with the passage of NAGPRA, which includes sacred
objects and sites in addition to graves, that they had any legal
basis to assert any legal claim or control over the Willamette
Meteorite. After 1990, it took several years of constitutional
challenges and writing of enacting regulations and procedures
before, they and other Native American groups were allowed to
file lawsuits under NAGPRA. Thus, it not until 1999 that they
finally filed a lawsuit under NAGPRA. Unfortunately, the
documentation for all of their claims still lies largely buried
in the legal filings, which were made for their NAGPRA suit.

Some information can be found in:

I. “Meteorite Custody Case” by Diedtra Henderson, Archaeology
Magazine, February 2000, at:

II. “Meteorite Case Update” by Diedtra Henderson,
Archaeology Magazine, May/June 2000, at:

and III. Canku Ota - A Newsletter Celebrating Native America
February 26, 2000 - Issue no. 4, at

My guess would be that the consensus of the archaeologists and
anthropologists, whom I knew, would be that the feelings of a typical
member of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde towards
auctioning off this piece of the Willamette Meteorite would be
equivalent what a Roman Catholic would feel if someone had
obtained possession of a large piece of artwork from the Sistine
Chapel and was auctioning it off at either Southby's or Christie's.

An interesting web page is “Willamette Meteorite 2000” at:

Some orther article lengthy articles about the Tribes of the Grand
Ronde and the Willamette Meteorite are:

Indian Group Blasts Meteorite Sale, Washington Post, by Larry
McShane, New York Times, September 14, 2007,

American Indians protest auction of meteorite part Newsday, NY,,0,5129294.story



Thursday, 13 September 2007

Frank Hibben

Frank Hibben

Paul bristolia at
Wed Sep 12 15:24:19 EDT 2007

Grondine wrote:

We've all been treated to Paul's version of Hibben's life. Here's another one:

It scarcely looks like the same man.

First, it is revealing that this obituary is deafening in its
silence about his Sandia Cave and other Paleo-Indian
research. Like many obituaries, it can presents a
sanitized version of a person’s life where unpleasant
controversies are simply ignored as to avoid speaking
unkindly of the deceased.

Finally, if Mr. Grondine reads what other people have
written about Dr. Hibben, he will find that he is quite
wrong about it being my “version” of Dr. Hibben as I
am simplying reporting what other people have
written about him. For example, go see:

1. Preston, Douglas, 1995, The mystery of Sandia
Cave. The New Yorker. vol. 71, pp. 66-72 (June 12, 1995)

2. News: History, Santa Fe / NM, Columns Trail dust,
09/16/2006 - Sandia Cave significance mired in
controversy" at;

Regardless of whether Sandia Cave was a hoax or not,
which is still an open question, it was so badly excavated
and documented that the only people, who regard his work
there and his Sandia Culture as having any validity are
fringe archaeologists such the Hindu creationist, Dr.
Micheal Cremo.

Best Regards,

Paul H.

Piece of Willamette Meteorite to be Auctioned

Piece of Willamette Meteorite to be Auctioned

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 13 09:26:35 EDT 2007

Hot Rock Goes on the Block By Kate Taylor
September 13, 2007, The New York Sun

In part, the article stated:

“The rock, a 28-pound section of the Willamette Meteorite
— the largest meteorite every discovered in America —
will be offered at Bonhams on October 28, in what is
being billed as the first-ever auction exclusively of


Paul H.

Friday, 7 September 2007

Saskatchewan Doorstop Turns Out to Be Meteorite

Saskatchewan Doorstop Turns Out to Be Meteorite

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 6 21:49:39 EDT 2007

Meteorite doorstop excites Western Canadian scientists
August 31, 2007, CBC News

This article started:

"It came from the far reaches of the solar system,
but until recently it was a doorstop. It's a meteorite,
only the 15th to be found in Saskatchewan, and it's
now the subject of intense interest at the University
of Regina.

The rock from space was discovered in 1999 in a field
west of Davidson.”

New KT asteroid injection theory PART TWO

New KT asteroid injection theory PART TWO

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 6 21:38:41 EDT 2007

Mrs. Webb wrote:

"Hi, Paul, EP, List,"

Why are you addressing me? I don't have dog in this hunt. :-) :-)

Just because I post URLs to some articles means nothing about
whether I agree or disagree with them. In this case, they happened
to be something about meteorites, which I correctly guessed would
be of interest to people. I do not know enough to have an informed
opinion about is stated in them.

Maybe I should start adding a disclaimer to such postings that the
content of the articles, to which I post URLs do not necessarily
represent the opinion of the person posting them. :-) :-)

Best Regards,


Impact Chevrons ??? was More holocene start impact memories - perhaps

Impact Cheverons ??? was More holocene start impact memories - perhaps

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 6 13:31:57 EDT 2007

Mr. Grodine wrote:

“There are other (possible) Native American
memories of the ice age impacts which I
was not familiar with. The following comes
from Adrienne Mayor:”

Oral tradition is certainly a source of information about possible
prehistoric catastrophes as discussed in numerous publications.
However, the lack of specific chronological information and the
utter vagueness of them makes it possible to use any of them
to support the catastrophe of choice for almost any point in time
within the Late Pleistocene, Early Holocene, Middle Holocene,
and Late Holocene. For example, Dr. Masse is using many of
the same oral traditions and folklore that Mr. Grodine uses, as
evidence of an 6807 BP impact in the Indian Ocean. For
example go see Ancient Crash, Epic Wave, by Sandra
Blakeseed in the November 14, 2006, New York Times at:

This article stated:

“Dr. Masse analyzed 175 flood myths from around
the world, and tried to relate them to known and
accurately dated natural events like solar eclipses
and volcanic eruptions. Among other evidence,
he said, 14 flood myths specifically mention a
full solar eclipse, which could have been the one
that occurred in May 2807 B.C.”

At least they have testable and credible physical evidence, i.e.
the Fenambosy chevron in Madagascar, that something really
nasty might have happened as noted in “WAPMERR funded
International Tsunami Expedition to Southern Madagascar -
August 29 – September 13, 2006” at; . Also, there are

They also back up their interpretations with what they theorize
to be an actual crater, as detailed in May 7th, 2005--New
Revelations about Impact Crater at:

The web page stated:

“This year, she will describe work she and
colleagues have done in the central Indian
Ocean. Below is an abstract about this
research from a recent scientific conference.
Burckle Abyssal Impact Crater: Did this
Impact Produce a Global Deluge?
Dallas H.
Abbott1, W. Bruce Masse3, Dee Breger2,
and Lloyd Burckle1
1 Lamont Doherty Earth
Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades,
NY 10964
2 Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Los Alamos, NM 87545n
3 Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA”

They are claiming that their crater is the “Deluge Crater”. The
claims to have found either the “Deluge impact” or the source of
Deluge stories are just as numerous as the number of claims of
people having found Atlantis. :-) :-) Evidence of infinitely
malleable nature of oral traditions and how they can be selectively
interpreted to “fit” theory of choice being advocated is seen in
how various oral traditions are argued to be iron-clad proof of
mutually exclusive events, including anything from the
catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea to a “Deluge” caused by
either supernatural forces or divine intervention.

Best Regards,

Paul H.

Armageddon Games at NASA

Armageddon Games at NASA

Paul bristolia at
Thu Sep 6 13:21:21 EDT 2007

Armageddon games, Feedback, Sept. 1, 2007 New Scientist at

Also, read "Uncomfortable translation" which can be found at
the bottom of the same page.


Paul H.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Asteroid Collision Doomed Dinosaurs

Asteroid Collision Doomed Dinosaurs

Paul bristolia at
Wed Sep 5 20:08:49 EDT 2007

Scientists implicate huge asteroid collision in death of
dinosaurs, San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 5, 2007

Far-Flung Crash May Have Created Dino-Killer Asteroid
National Geographic, DC, Sept. 5, 2007

Space pile-up 'condemned dinos' BBC News, UK

Scientists find the dinosaur-killer, Globe and Mail


Paul H.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Possible pre-late Pleistocene Asteroid Impact in Arctic Ocean ??

Possible pre-late Pleistocene Asteroid Impact in Arctic Ocean ??

Paul bristolia at
Sat Sep 1 13:20:54 EDT 2007

An abstract of a poster presented in the 2006,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San
Francisco presented evidence of a possible asteroid
impact in the central Arctic Ocean on Alpha Ridge.

This abstract is;

Hall, J.K., a, Y., Hunkins, K., Ardai, J., Coakley, B.,
Hopper, J., the Healy 2005 seismic team, 2006. Evidence
for an asteroid impact in the central Arctic Ocean.
Poster OS53B-1114, American Geophysical Union Fall
Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 11–15.

It can be found at:

This possible impact is mentioned in:

Kristoffersen, Y., B. J. Coakley, J. K. Hall and M.
Edwards, 2006, Mass wasting on the submarine Lomonosov
Ridge, central Arctic Ocean. Marine Geology. vol. 243,
no. 1-4, pp. 1-246. (September 2007)

If the proposed impact is related to the mass-wasting
on the submarine Lomonosov Ridge, then it would be
over 600,000 years old and pre-late Pleistocene in age.


Paul H.