Plagiarism Sleuths
Paul bristolia at
Thu May 28 14:32:06 EDT 2009
I found the following paper in Science rather interesting.
Couzin-Frankel, J., and J. Grom, 2009, Plagiarism Sleuths. Science.
vol. 324, no. 5930, pp. 1004-1007, DOI: 10.1126/science.324_1004
Some related web pages and papers are:
Deja Vu: a Database of Highly Similar and Duplicate Citations
Errami, M., H. Garner, N. Rifai, P. M. Bossuyt, and D. E. Bruns,
2008, Identifying Duplicate Publications: Primum non Nocere.
Clinical Chemistry. vol. 54, pp. 777-778.
Errami , M., J. M. Hicks , W. Fisher, D. Trusty, J. D. Wren,
T. C. Long, and H, R. Garner, 2008, Déjà vu—A study of
duplicate citations in Medline. Bioinformatics. vol. 24,
no. 2, pp. 243-249; doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm574
Errami, M., and H. Garner, 2008, Commentary, A tale of two
citations. Nature. vol. 451, pp. 397-399 doi:10.1038/451397a
Paul H.
Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Finally, a plausible explanation for Tunguska
Finally, a plausible explanation for Tunguska
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comWed May 27 12:06:55 EDT 2009
Darren Garrison write:
Russian Scientist: UFO collided with Tunguska Meteorite to save Earth
Tuesday, 26 May 2009” - rest of text deleted
Notice at its bottom, the web page states:
"2009 MINA Smart News for Smart People"
PDF file at
Paul H.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Agglutinated Foraminifera Had a Taste for Extraterrestrial Nanodiamonds
Agglutinated Foraminifera Had a Taste for Extraterrestrial Nanodiamonds
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comSat May 16 23:06:50 EDT 2009
Sea creatures had a thing for bling. by Lewis Dartnell
Article at:
“Even more surprising were microscopic granules of carbon,
no more than 10 micrometres across, which were subsequently
identified as diamonds. "The foraminifera were deliberately
using extraterrestrial diamonds in their shells," says
The paper is;
Kaminski, M.A. and Armitage, D.A. and Coccioni, R. (2008)
Shocked diamonds in agglutinated foraminifera from the
Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary, Italy - a preliminary report.
In: Kaminski, M. A. and Coccioni, R., (eds.) Proceedings of
the Seventh International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera.
Grzybowski Foundation Special Publications (13). The Grzybowski
Foundation, London, UK, pp. 57-60. ISBN 9788392486930
Abstract at
PDF file at:
Paul H.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Park Forest Meteorite that damaged house fetches $51, 000
Park Forest Meteorite that damaged house fetches $51, 000
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comThu May 21 15:54:19 EDT 2009
Meteorite that damaged Ill. home fetches $51,000, The Associated Press
Collector pays $50000 for a 5-pound rock, Chicago Sun-Times
May 18, 2009, Mary Houlihan, May 18, 2009.,CST-NWS-meteorite18.article
Meteorite goes for $51000, KGO-TV - May 18, 2009
Searching for Meteorites in the Deserts of Oman
Searching for Meteorites in the Deserts of Oman
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comThu May 21 15:50:05 EDT 2009
Searching for Meteorites in the Deserts of Oman
By Simon Mitton, Astrobiology Magazine, May 17, 2009 [deadlink]
Paul H.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Asteroid Impacts 3.9 Billion Years Ago May Have Enhanced Life On Earth
Asteroid Impacts 3.9 Billion Years Ago May Have Enhanced Life On Earth
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comWed May 20 22:38:17 EDT 2009
Asteroid Attack 3.9 Billion Years Ago May Have Enhanced
Early Life On Earth, Science Daily, May 20, 2009,
Abramov, O.,and S. J. Mojzsis. Microbial habitability of
the Hadean Earth during the late heavy bombardment. Nature.
vol. 459, no. 7245, pp. 419-422.
Paul H.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Peter Ward on mass extinctions - The Medea Hypothesis
Peter Ward on mass extinctions - The Medea Hypothesis
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comSat May 16 23:31:49 EDT 2009
Peter Ward on mass extinctions
Speakers Peter Ward: Paleontologist
The Medea Hypothesis: Is Life on Earth Ultimately Self-Destructive?
by Peter Ward
“Using the latest discoveries from the geological record, he
argues that life might be its own worst enemy.”
“According to the Medea hypothesis, it does. Ward demonstrates
that all but one of the mass extinctions that have struck Earth
were caused by life itself. He looks at our planet's history
in a new way, revealing an Earth that is witnessing an alarming
decline of diversity and biomass--a decline brought on by
life's own "biocidal" tendencies.”
Paul H.
Friday, 15 May 2009
Tunguska Questions
Tunguska Questions
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comFri May 15 14:26:27 EDT 2009
In regard to Tunguska and bioturbation, Meteorites USA asked:
“Paul H's post on bioturbation brings up an interesting
question. The first expedition led by Leonid Kulik to
Tunguska in 1927 to study the devastation and search
for meteorites happened 19 years AFTER the event
in 1908, (He had an earlier expedition in 1921 but
wasn't successful in reaching the epicenter until 1927).
19 years is a LONG time for meteorites in the forested
and swampy environment full of little critters, insects,
and plants that could bury any stones. How deep can
meteorites be buried in 19 years of snow, rain storms,
mudslides, spring melt, critters, ants, termites, and
other animals?
This is very interesting point, because 19 years likely would
be sufficient time for relatively small fragments of meteorite
to be buried. Dr. Donald Johnson found right after buying the
in which he lives, a layer of bricks buried beneath 2 or 3 inches
of soil. This had been bricks that had been placed on the
ground, without using any mortar hold them together, as
simple patio. Given when the house was built, the bricks
could not have been placed on the ground more than 20
years before he found them. It was this discovery that
inspired him to start his research on bioturbation from what
can remember of his class lectures.
The depth of burial at Tunguska, would depend, in part, on
how deep any permafrost present at that location melts each
year and how deep that and other processes allow bioturbation
to occur. I suspect that between bioturbation and cryturbation,
any small and even relatively large, meteorite fragment would
very quickly disappear beneath the soil and muck.
It would be interesting to find some specific information about
the soils present at the Tunguska Site and do a detailed taphonomic
analysis of what the soil and sediment data means in terms of
"meteorite taphonomy". It would be no different then doing an
analysis of site formation processes for an archaeological survey
area in order to either predict where the archaeologists should
look for artifacts or in order to interpret what was or was not
found by the archaeologists when they surveyed an area.
I have done enough site formation processes analyses for archaeologists,
that I could, for a scientific search for meteorites, do the same thing for
a strewn field and make a prediction of where a person would expect
meteorites to be found.
Best Regards,
Paul H.
Another Reason That Meteorites Disappear
Another Reason That Meteorites Disappear
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comFri May 15 08:39:48 EDT 2009
Dear Friends,
I hear a lot references made to meteorites disappearing
after they fall to Earth because thy are destroyed by
weathering. Bioturbation is another process that causes
them to disappear relatively rapidly, within years from
the ground surface is bioturbation. The churning of the
upper horizons by animals and plants will caused large
objects, whether they be prehistoric and historic artifacts,
meteorites, modern bricks and concrete pieces, and so
forth, to gradually “sink” into the ground. Objects will
sink to the depth at which the churning of the ground
by bioturbation ceases to modify the soil. This forms a
buried layer of stones and other objects called a
“carpedolith” or “stone-layer”. When a carpedolith is
exposed in a two dimensional outcrop, as in the sides
of an artificial excavation, stream cutbank, or roadcut,
it is called a “stone line”.
In areas where plant and animals rapidly churn the soil
to significant depth, meteorites will diappear from the
ground surface long before they are destroyed by
terrestrial weathering processes. Depending on how
intense the bioturbation is and the size of the meteorite,
this can happen in a matter of decades, even years.
Some references are:
Johnson, D. L.. J. E. J. Domier, and D. N. Johnson,
2005, Reflections on the Nature of Soil and Its
Biomantle. Annals of the Association of American
Geographers. vol. 95, no. 1, pp. 11–31
Meysman, F. J. R., J. J. Middelburg and C. H.R. Heip,
2006, Bioturbation: a fresh look at Darwin's last idea.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. vol. 21, no. 12,
pp. 688-695.
Frolking, T. A. and B. T. Lepper, Geomorphic and
Pedogenic Evidence for Bioturbation of Artifacts at a
Multicomponent Site in Licking County, Ohio, U.S.A.
Geoarchaeology. vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 243–262.
Johnson, D. L., C.L. Balek, and R.J. Schaetzl, 2005,
Stonelayers (stone-lines) in Soils: A priori assumed
to be basal parts of biomantles. Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs vol. 37, No. 5, p. 77
Animation on Dynamic Denudation/Biomantle Evolution
Paul H.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Listeners Correct Auctioneer About Meteorite History
Listeners Correct Auctioneer About Meteorite History
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comWed May 13 16:10:52 EDT 2009
Letters: Meteorite, All Things Considered, May 13, 2009
“There were many letters in response to an interview about
the auction of the Garza Stone, a meteorite that hit a house
in Park Forest, Ill., in 2003. Listeners were quick to point
out that — contrary to what the organizer of this auction
suggested — there is at least one documented case of a
person being hit by a falling rock from outer space.”
The story commented on is:
Interviews: Why Are Meteorites So Expensive?
All Things Considered, May 12, 2009
“Some pricey chunks of space rock are among the objects for sale
at a Dallas auction house this weekend.”
Paul H.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Catastrophe and history - Comparing Mars to Earth
Catastrophe and history - Comparing Mars to Earth
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comSun May 10 20:45:46 EDT 2009
Comparing Mars to Earth: Catastrophe and history. Geological
Society of America Special Paper 453.
TOC at:
Comparing Mars to Earth: Catastrophe and history (5/5/2009)
“This GSA Special Paper focuses on the catastrophic events that
have influenced both Mars and Earth and is part of the ongoing
search for the correct balance between catastrophic and
processes. The book aims to "expand the geoscience horizons"
of a wide range of readers by examining evidence for various
geologic catastrophes on both Earth and Mars, their preservation
on Earth as compared to Mars, and how these events may have
influenced Earth's evolution.
Paul H.
USGS Open House in Menlo Park, May 16 and 17
USGS Open House in Menlo Park, May 16 and 17
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comSun May 10 11:54:30 EDT 2009
USGS Open House Offers Wealth of Activities
Entertainment and education await visitors of all ages at the
U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Menlo Park Science
Center Open House on Saturday, May 16 and Sunday,
May 17. The Open House will be from 10:00 a.m. until
4:00 p.m. both days, and admission is free of charge.
Paul H.
Geological Blogs About coastal 'chevrons' and mega-tsunamis
Geological Blogs About coastal 'chevrons' and mega-tsunamis
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comSun May 10 11:46:56 EDT 2009
Dear Friends,
Below are various blogs by geologists about the ongoing
discussion concerning coastal 'chevrons' and mega-tsunamis.
More reasons to conclude that coastal 'chevrons' are not related
mega-tsunamis, Hindered Settling, May 9, 2009
Chevrons, olelog What on earth April 29, 2009, Ole Nielsen
Older Posts
Some questions about the 'megatsunami-chevrons, Hindered
Settling. March 9, 2008
Some questions about the 'megatsunami chevrons': addendum,
Hindered Settling, , May 10, 2008
Retreat of the Megatsunami?, Category: geohazards, Highly
Allochthonous March 11, 2008, by Chris Rowan
Return of the Megatsunami, Highly Allochthonous, March 8,
2008, by Chris Rowan
A press release about what the discussion about is
"Contrary to recent hypothesis, 'chevrons' are not
evidence of megatsunamis, Geological Times.
Best Regards,
Paul H.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
New Google Search Pages for PDF and Powerpoint Files
New Google Search Pages for PDF and Powerpoint Files
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comWed May 6 21:13:40 EDT 2009
Dear Friends,
The URLs to these pages are:
1. For Internet Powerpoint files:
2. For Internet PDF files:
Some interesting searches are:
Have Fun
Paul H.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Giant tsunami swept through New York City 2, 000 years ago
Giant tsunami swept through New York City 2, 000 years ago
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comTue May 5 23:21:49 EDT 2009
Larry wrote:
>We actually talked about this at "asteroid lunch" yesterday!
>The case against a tsunami is that there is no other evidence
>anywhere along the US coast or on the other side of the
>Atlantic. Skeptics think that it could >just as easily been a
>huge hurricane storm surge. Do not know much more than that.
A related paper might be:
Scileppi, E., and J. P. Donnelly, 2006, Sedimentary evidence
of hurricane strikes in western Long Island, New York.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. vol. 8, no. 6, Q06011,
The abstract to this paper reads:
“Multiple washovers laid down between 2200 and 900 cal
yr B.P. suggest an interval of frequent intense hurricane
landfalls in the region.”
The text states:
“Numerous sand layers preserved in this core are tentatively
dated to 2200–900 cal yr B.P. and pre-2800 cal yr B.P.
(Figure 11)."
Unfortunately, they do not have specific dates for specific
overwash events. It might be interesting to see if any of the
sands beds within the lowermost part of this interval just
above its 2200 cal yr BP start differs noticeably from all of
the others in thickness, grain size, or some other physical
Jeffrey P. Donnelly’s web page is at:
In it, there is listed the citation of a paper that has been
submitted for publication. It is:
Boldt, K.V., P. Lane, J.D. Woodruff, and J.P. Donnelly,
submitted, Sedimentary evidence of hurricane-induced coastal
flooding in southeastern New England over the last two
millennia: Geophysical Research Letters.
Maybe this papers might have some answers.
Also, if there is enough interest, someone in your
"asteroid lunch" group could email Dr. Jeffrey P. Donnelly
and see what his professional opinion is of the tsunami
Best Regards,
Paul H.
Giant tsunami swept through New York City 2, 000 years ago
Giant tsunami swept through New York City 2, 000 years ago
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comTue May 5 23:21:49 EDT 2009
Larry wrote:
>We actually talked about this at "asteroid lunch" yesterday!
>The case against a tsunami is that there is no other evidence
>anywhere along the US coast or on the other side of the
>Atlantic. Skeptics think that it could >just as easily been a
>huge hurricane storm surge. Do not know much more than that.
A related paper might be:
Scileppi, E., and J. P. Donnelly, 2006, Sedimentary evidence
of hurricane strikes in western Long Island, New York.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. vol. 8, no. 6, Q06011,
The abstract to this paper reads:
“Multiple washovers laid down between 2200 and 900 cal
yr B.P. suggest an interval of frequent intense hurricane
landfalls in the region.”
The text states:
“Numerous sand layers preserved in this core are tentatively
dated to 2200–900 cal yr B.P. and pre-2800 cal yr B.P.
(Figure 11)."
Unfortunately, they do not have specific dates for specific
overwash events. It might be interesting to see if any of the
sands beds within the lowermost part of this interval just
above its 2200 cal yr BP start differs noticeably from all of
the others in thickness, grain size, or some other physical
Jeffrey P. Donnelly’s web page is at:
In it, there is listed the citation of a paper that has been
submitted for publication. It is:
Boldt, K.V., P. Lane, J.D. Woodruff, and J.P. Donnelly,
submitted, Sedimentary evidence of hurricane-induced coastal
flooding in southeastern New England over the last two
millennia: Geophysical Research Letters.
Maybe this papers might have some answers.
Also, if there is enough interest, someone in your
"asteroid lunch" group could email Dr. Jeffrey P. Donnelly
and see what his professional opinion is of the tsunami
Best Regards,
Paul H.
Giant tsunami swept through New York City 2, 000 years ago
Giant tsunami swept through New York City 2, 000 years ago
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comTue May 5 21:06:01 EDT 2009
Giant tsunami swept through New York City 2,000 years ago,
say scientists by David Gardner, Mail online, May 4, 2009.
Tsunami may have hit NYC area 300 BC, United Press
International, May 4, 2009
Ancient tsunami 'hit New York', BBC News,
Paul H.
Monday, 4 May 2009
Paper Disputing Impact Origin of Coastal "Chevrons" Published
Paper Disputing Impact Origin of Coastal "Chevrons" Published
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comMon May 4 14:17:15 EDT 2009
The paper that diisputes the impact origin of coastal "chevrons" is:
Bourgeois, J., and R. Weiss, "Chevrons" are not mega-tsunami
deposits—A sedimentologic assessment. Geology. vol. 37,no.5,
pp. 403-406.
Previously noted popular news articles about this paper are:
Past Tsunamis? Contrary To Recent Hypothesis, 'Chevrons'
Are Not Evidence Of Megatsunamis, Science Daily, April 30, 2009,
Contrary to recent hypothesis, 'chevrons' are not evidence
of megatsunamis by Vince Stricherz, University of Washington,
Ancient mega-tsunamis did not create mysterious chevrons,
researchers say, Fish and Aquatic News, May 1, 2009
Coastal Formations Not Result of Asteroid Impact by Nancy
Atkinson, Universe Today, May 1, 2009
Paul H.
Elliptical Impact Crater Matt Wilson, Northern Territory, Australia
Elliptical Impact Crater Matt Wilson, Northern Territory, Australia
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comMon May 4 14:03:46 EDT 2009
Kenkmann, T.; Poelchau, 2208, M. H. Matt Wilson: An Elliptical
Impact Crater in Northern Territory, Australia. 39th Lunar
and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science
XXXIX), held March 10-14, 2008 in League City, Texas. LPI
Contribution No. 1391, p.1027
Kenkmann, T., and M. H. Poelchau1, 2009, Low-angle collision
with Earth: The elliptical impact crater Matt Wilson,
Northern Territory, Australia. Geology. vol. 37, no. 5,
pp. 459-462, doi:10.1130/G25378A.1
Paul H.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Accountability of Authors of Scientific Papers
Accountability of Authors of Scientific Papers
Paul bristolia at
Sat May 2 10:12:25 EDT 2009
Accountability of Authors of Scientific Papers
Accountability of authors (Nautilus)
Author contributions audit (Nautilus)
Authorship policies (Nature)
"We are clarifying the duties of lead authors and
making author-contribution statements mandatory."
Paul H.
Paul bristolia at
Sat May 2 10:12:25 EDT 2009
Accountability of Authors of Scientific Papers
Accountability of authors (Nautilus)
Author contributions audit (Nautilus)
Authorship policies (Nature)
"We are clarifying the duties of lead authors and
making author-contribution statements mandatory."
Paul H.
Solar wind and reddening of asteroid surfaces (PDF file of paper)
Solar wind and reddening of asteroid surfaces (PDF file of paper)
Paul bristolia at yahoo.comSat May 2 09:09:36 EDT 2009
Solar wind tans young asteroids, ESO 16/09 - Science
Release, European Organisation
for Astronomical
Research in the
Southern Hemisphere, April 22, 2009
The paper is:
Vernazza, P., R. P. Binzel, A. Rossi, M. Fulchignoni, and
M. Birlan, 2009, Solar wind as the origin of rapid reddening
of asteroid surfaces. Nature. vol. 458, no. 7241, pp. 993-995,
The PDF file can be downloaded from:
Young Asteroids Look Old
Paul H.
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