Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Papers About Dinosaur Tracks in Chinese Folklore

Papers About Dinosaur Tracks in Chinese Folklore

There is a new paper about dinosaur tracks in Chinese folklore.

It is:

Xing, L. A. Mayor, Y. Chen, J. D. Harris, and  M. E. Burns,
2011, The Folklore of Dinosaur Trackways in China: Impact 
on Paleontology. Ichnos, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 213-220.

The PDF version of this paper can be downloaded from
either or

There is also a related paper (inChinese.) It is:

Xing, L. A. Mayor, C. Yu. L. Baozhai, 2011, A Direct Evidence 
of Co-existing Ancient Chinese and Dinosaur Tracks. 
Geological Bulletin of China. vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1530-1537

The PDF version of this paper can be downloaded from
either or

Articles about the above paper are:

1. Evidence of Ancient Human Interest in Dinosaur Tracks 
Found in China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, an

and 2. World's only evidence of co-existing humans, dinosaur 
tracks found in China by Xinhua writers Ji Shaoting and Mou Xu
English News, China

Video of the dinosaur tracks can be seen in "Dinosaur Tracks 
Influence Ancient Chinese Culture" at:


Paul V. Heinrich



In "tektites' at
Steve Kelland asked,

"Does anyone know if tektites ever devitrify?"

Tektites can devitrify over geological periods of time. 
However, the glass composing them typically reacts to 
weathering by either complete dissolution or etching instead
of devitrifying into clay. The devitrifcation of tektites into 
clays is currently only known to occur under conditions 
of limited water contact. 

Overall, tektites are exceptional for their high chemical 
resistance and long-term stability against devitrification.
In part, the presence of MgO in a simple silica melt 
containing CaO significantly suppresses the devitrifcation
of tektites.

For example, go read,

Mazer, J. J., J. K. Bates, J. P. Bradley, C. R. Bradley, and C. M. 
Stevenson, 1992, Alteration of tektite to form weathering 
products. Nature. vol. 357, no. 6379, pp. 573 - 576

Heide, K., G. Heide, and G. Kloessa, 2001, Glass chemistry of 
tektites. Planetary and Space Science. vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 839-844.

Happy New Year,

Paul Heinrich

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Recent Article About Carolina Bays Research

Recent Article About Carolina Bays Research

A recent article about ongoing research on the Carolina Bays is 

Geological researchers study mystery of the 
Carolina Bays by Steve DeVane, Fayetteville Observer

Some of Dr. P. Lee Phillips' recent abstracts about Carolina Bays are:

Bryant, L. M., A. L. Sandford, and P. L. Phillips, 2011,
Characterization of the Orangeburg Scarp Boundary 
by Mapping the Density and Distribution of Carolina 
Bays in Hoke County, North Carolina. Geological 
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 
vol. 43, no. 2, p. 4

Post, S. H., P. L. Phillips, and N. E. Phillippi, 2010,
Delineation of Spatial Variences of Carolina Bays within
Robinson County, North Carolina. Geological Society of 
America Abstracts with Programs. vol. 42, no. 1, p. 70

Sandford, A. L., L. M. Bryant, and P. L. Phillips, 2011, 
Delinating the Ornageburg Scarp in Scotland County 
North Carolina by Mapping the westernmost Extent of 
Carolina Bays. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs. vol. 43, no. 2, p. 4

By the way, there is a new USGS geologic map, which 
includes background information about geology of an area 
containing numerous Carolina Bays. It briefly discusses the 
Carolina Bays.

Weems, R. E., W. C. Lewis, and E. A. Crider, 2011, Surficial 
Geologic Map of the Elizabethtown 30' × 60' Quadrangle, 
North Carolina. Open-File Report 2011-1121. United States
Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

It can be found at and downloaded from:

A related report is:

Weems, R. E. W. C. Lewis, J. H. Murray, D. B. Queen, J. B. Grey, 
and B. D. DeJong, 2011, Detailed Sections From Auger Holes 
in the Elizabethtown 1:100,000-Scale Quadrangle, North 
Carolina. Open-File Report 2011-1115. United States
Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

It can be found at and downloaded from:

Merry Christmas and Happy New 

Paul H.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Re: [meteorite-list] URGENT - This is Very Important

Re: [meteorite-list] URGENT - This is Very Important

In [meteorite-list] [meteorite-list} URGENT at:
Michael Blood wrote

"Greetings all, 
Today your congressmen and women are debating a bill 
To CENSOR the internet! 
No, not about "kitty porn" or even about bomb making.... 
It is about corporate lobbying $. The want to censor anything 
That may not benefit their ability to make MORE MONEY. 
Please help to stop our country from becoming totally 
People, for the people! 
Democracy ONLY works if THE PEOPLE take an active Role. 
Please read below and, if you are a US citizen SIGN THE 
PETITION ! This most definitely effects the meteorite 

....lengthy text deleted....

" This week there will be a historic filibuster of the Internet
Censorship Act where the names of every person that signs 
a petition against Internet censorship will be read. I added 
my name. Please add yours too. "

A shorter URL for the above petition is

The numerous problems with the SOPA and PROTECT IP
legislation is discussed in detail in "Congress considers 
anti-piracy bills that could cripple Internet industries" by
Alex Howard, O'Reilly Radar, Novmber 22, 2011.

This is a very important issue as it will impact eBay, Youtube,
and any web site with user generated content that meteorite
people use to communicate with and educate each other and 
the public in general.

Other petitions are:

B. Stop the E-PARASITE Act!/petition/stop-e-parasite-act/SWBYXX55

C. US: Save the Internet


Paul H.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Meteorite Hunters Prepare to Scour Cottage Country (Canada)

Meteorite Hunters Prepare to Scour Cottage Country (Ontario, Canada)

Meteorite hunters prepare to scour cottage country 
by Carola Vyhnak, The Star, Toronto, Dec 17, 2011

Meteor crashes near Selwyn by Kennedy Gordan
Peterborough Examiner, Dec 15, 2011


Paul H.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Study shows how impact craters may form

Study shows how impact craters may form

Study shows how impact craters may form

Study shows how impact craters may form. Science News.

Crater shapes, UPI

F. Pacheco- Vazquez and J. C. Ruiz- Suarez, 2011, Impact 
craters in granular media: Grains against grains. Physical 
Reviews Letters. vol. 107, no. 218001, 5 pp

Happy Holidays,

Paul H.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Help with new "Holocene" crater – Additional Note

Help with new "Holocene" crater – Additional Note

In the post Help with new "Holocene" crater, at
the crater, which I discussed is the Corossol crater 
(50°3’N, 66°23’W) just offshore of the Sept Iles 
harbour, Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada. It is described in

Higgins, M.D., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Locat, J., 
Duchesne, M., Ortiz, J., Sanfaçon, R., 2011. Bathymetric 
and Petrological Evidence for a Young (Pleistocene?) 
4-km Diameter Impact Crater in the Gulf of Saint 
Lawrence, Canada, 42nd Lunar and Planetary 
Science Conference, Houston, Texas.


Paul H.

Help with new "Holocene" crater

Help with new "Holocene" crater

In “Help with new Holocene crater, please” at
Ed asked,

"The following structure has been proposed as a crater from 
the Holocene Start Impacts:

I do not play a geologist on television, nor am I one in real life, 
but if the "floor" of this crater dates from 10,900 BCE, then 
that would be the crater floor, and not infill sediments, and 
thus the impact itself would have had to have been well after 
10,900 BCE?"

The article stated,

"The minimum age was established using data from 
a ~7 metre core taken in the central trough, which 
almost reached the basement, as defined by seismic 
data. Calibrated 14C ages of shells in the sediments can 
be extrapolated to give an estimate of the age of the 
base of the sedimentary sequence of ~12,900 cal BP, 
if no hiatus or older sediments were preserved 
between the base of the core and the bedrock. This is 
taken to be the youngest possible age of the impact."

The "floor" of the crater was not dated to ~12,900 cal BP.
It is estimated age of the oldest sediments that covers the
crater that dates to that period. This age only represents 
the latest period of sedimentation occurred in the area. 
Without addition information, it is entirely possible that 
either older sediments existed and have been eroded; 
there was a period of nondeposition before the accumulation
of the sediments covering it; or a combination of both.
All that can be said is the crater is older than ~12,900 
cal BP and younger than Ordovician. The morphology of 
this crater looks likes it has been significantly modified 
by erosion, which suggests that parts of the crater and 
possibly older sediments have been removed by erosion.

Thie ~12,900 cal BP date corresponds to the point in time
that the deglaciation of this part of Canada occurred. This 
would have been the when the ice sheet that covered and 
scoured this region melted back to expose the bottom of
the Gulf of St. Lawrence this part of the Canada. My 
interpretation of this date is that it represents the point
in time when the Laurentide Ice Sheet melted back 
enough to locally expose the bottom of the Gulf of St. 
Lawrence and first allow sediments to accumulate on the
eroded and scoured surface of this crater. Prior to that
time, it was likely covered and scoured by Laurentide 
Ice Sheet. Thus, this crater likely predates the last 
glacial maximum by a unknown period of time much 
like the Charity Shoals crater. From what I can see, this
is definitely not a “Holocene” crater and certainly 
predates the Younger Dryas by a significant period of 

Best wishes,

Paul H.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

SW Auzzie hole in the ground

SW Auzzie hole in the ground

“in “SW Auzzie hole in the ground” at:
Mike wrote:

“Came across this Dec. 3, 2011 posting.

Would seem fantastical for it to actually be an 
impact crater within a dried up stock watering 
pond. . . .

Anyone on the list in that part of the world?”

The largest discontinuous ring is likely the rim of a 
stock pond because of its location in a dry valley 
and the road that connects directly to it. The circular
features within the rim of the stock pond look like 
“bathtub rings” that represent the former “shorelines” 
/ extents of the pond that formed as the pond dried up.

The coordinates for this feature, which is about
45 meters in diameter, are:

1. Northing 6,313,739, Easting 553,490
UTM Zone 50

2. latitude: 33 degrees 18’ 51” South
longitude: 117 degrees 34’ 29” East

It is in Lot 3286 Ballaying Road, 
Ballaying, West Australia, Australia

The experts in local geology are:

Geological Survey of Western Australia
Department of Mines and Petroleum
Mineral House, 100 Plain Street
East Perth, Western Australia 6004

Best wishes,

Paul H.

Annual Antarctica Meteorite Search

Annual Antarctica Meteorite Search

1. At the bottom of the world, a controversial 
search for cosmic leftovers, The Washington
Post, December 4, 2011.

2. Antarctica Shines as Icy Bastion of Space Science 
by Charles Q. Choi,

“Astronomy in Antarctica will soon experience 
a centennial of its own — the very first meteorite 
discovered in the Antarctic, the Adelie Land 
Meteorite, or ALM, was found on Dec. 5, 1912.”

and 3. Space & Antarctica special: Meteorite hunters 
back on the ice - Don Pettit back to space. Space
Explorers Web, December 6, 2011.

Happy Holidays, 
