Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

New PhD. Dissertation About Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

New PhD. Dissertation About Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

van Hoesel, A., 2014, The Younger Dryas climate change
was it caused by an extraterrestrial impact? Utrecht 
studies in Earth Sciences no. 54. Utrecht University, 
Utrecht, Netherlands. 141 pp. ISBN: 978-90-6266-356-9 
(Open Access Theses and Dissertations)

Some other miscellaneous publications:

van Hoesel, A., 2012, The Younger Dryas impact 
hypothesis: a critical review. (poster)

van Hoesel, A., 2012, Een meteorietinslag aan hetbegin 
van de Jonge Dryas? Geo.brief June 2012, pp. 10-11.


Paul H.

Charity Shoal Crater, an Exhumed Middle Ordovician Impact Crater

Charity Shoal Crater, an Exhumed Middle Ordovician Impact Crater

Holcombe, T. L., S. Youngblut, and N. Slowey, 2013,
Geological structure of Charity Shoal crater, Lake
Ontario, revealed by multi beam bathymetry. Geo-Marine
Letters. col. 33, no. 4, pp 245-252

They argue that the Charity Shoal Crater in Lake
Ontario formed as the result of an extraterrestrial
impact event in a shallow marine environment during
the Middle Ordovician. After the impact, it was
eventually buried by post-impact marine
sedimentation, which covered it with fossiliferous
marine carbonate strata. Much later, they argue,
it was exhumed by Pleistocene glacial erosion.

Other publications are:

Holcombe, T. L., J. S. Warren, D. F. Reid, W. T.
Virden, and D. L. Divins, 2001, Small Rimmed Depression
in Lake Ontario: An Impact Crater? Journal of Great
Lakes Research. vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 510-517
PDF file at
abstract at

Phillip, S. A., 2013, High-resolution lake-based
magnetic mapping and modelling of basement structures,
with examples from Küçükçekmece Lagoon, Turkey and
Charity Shoal, Lake Ontario. unpublished MS thesis,
School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ontario. 113 pp.

Bathymetric map of Charity Crater area.

Great Lakes Data Rescue Project - Lake Ontario Bathymetry


Paul H.

Monday, 16 June 2014

The Proterozoic Oxygen Rise

The Proterozoic Oxygen Rise

Earth's breathable atmosphere a result of continents
taking control of the carbon cycle, University of
Exeter, Science Daily, June 9, 2014

Mills, B., T. M. Lenton, and A. J. Watson, 2014,
Proterozoic oxygen rise linked to shifting balance
between seafloor and terrestrial weathering.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. Published online
before print June 9, 2014.

A related article is:
Geologists confirm oxygen levels of ancient oceans
Syracuse University, Science Daily, June 10, 2014

Hardisty, D. S. , Z. Lu, N. J. Planavsky, A. Bekker,
P. Philippot, X. Zhou, and T. W. Lyons, 2014, An
iodine record of Paleoproterozoic surface ocean
oxygenation. Geology. First published online May 22, 2014,

A related paper is:
Lyons, T. W., C. T. Reinhard, and N. J. Planavsky, 2014,
The rise of oxygen in Earth’s early ocean and atmosphere.
Nature. vol. 506, no. 7488, pp. 307-315.

PDF file at:


Paul H.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Where have all the craters gone?

Where have all the craters gone?

Where have all the craters gone? Geological Society
of America, ScienceDaily, May 27, 2014

The paper is:
Johnson, B. C., and T. J. Bowling, 2014, Where have
all the craters gone? Earth's bombardment history and
the expected terrestrial cratering record. Geology.
First published online May 22, 2014, doi: 10.1130/G35754.1

An older and related article is:
Tiny 'spherules' reveal details about Earth's asteroid
impacts, Purdue University, April 25, 2012

The paper is:
Johnson, B. C., and H. J. Melosh, 2012, Impact
spherules as a record of an ancient heavy bombardment
of Earth. Nature. vol. 485, no. 7396, pp. 75–77.


Paul H.


MikeG wrote:

>(Keep posting the links though - every
>now and then, one of the papers is free)

The abstract for the PDF of the Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference version of Johnson and Bowling
(2014) is at

Th PDF file of Johnson and Melosh (2012) is at


Paul H.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Four-billion-year-old rocks yield clues about Earth's earliest crust

Four-billion-year-old rocks yield clues about Earth's earliest crust

Four-billion-year-old rocks yield clues about Earth's
earliest crust. ScienceDaily, University of Alberta
News360 at ; and

Ancient rocks yield clues about Earth's earliest crust
by Bryan Alary, University of Alberta, May 28, 2014

Reimink, J. R., T. Chacko, R. A. Stern, L. M. Heaman,
2014, Earth’s earliest evolved crust generated in an
Iceland-like setting. Nature Geoscience. Published
online May 25, 2014 10.1038/ngeo2170

A related article is:
Lunar Rocks Are First Direct Evidence of Collision
That Formed Moon, National eographic, June 6, 2014.

Body that formed the Moon came from a different
neighborhood. (The body that smacked into Earth
has a distinctive elemental signature.) Ars Technica

Herwartz, D., A. Pack, B. Friedrichs, and A. Bischoff,
2014, Identification of the giant impactor Theia in lunar
rocks. Science. vol. 344, no. 6188, pp. 1146-1150
DOI: 10.1126/science.1251117


Paul H.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

A Long-Ago Ancestor: A Little Fish, With Jaws to Come

A Long-Ago Ancestor: A Little Fish, With Jaws to Come

A Long-Ago Ancestor: A Little Fish, With Jaws to Come
by Carl Zimmer, New York Times, June 11, 2014

New fossil find pinpoints the origin of jaws in vertebrates
PhysOrg, June 11, 2014

Chew On This Fantastic New Fossil by Jane Hu, Slate

The paper is:
Morris, S. M., and J.-B. Caron, 2014, A primitive fish
from the Cambrian of North America. Nature, Published
online 11 June 2014

Additional web pages:
Metaspriggina, Wikipedia,

Metaspriggina walcotti, The Burgess Shale, Royal
Ontario Museum


Paul H.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Lunar Rocks Are First Direct Evidence of Collision That Formed Moon

Lunar Rocks Are First Direct Evidence of Collision That Formed Moon

Lunar Rocks Are First Direct Evidence of Collision
That Formed Moon, National eographic, June 6, 2014.

Body that formed the Moon came from a different
neighborhood. (The body that smacked into Earth
has a distinctive elemental signature.) Ars Technica

Herwartz, D., A. Pack, B. Friedrichs, and A. Bischoff,
2014, Identification of the giant impactor Theia in lunar
rocks. Science. vol. 344, no. 6188, pp. 1146-1150
DOI: 10.1126/science.1251117

Also, there is:
Four-billion-year-old rocks yield clues about Earth's
earliest crust. ScienceDaily, University of Alberta
News360 at ; and

Ancient rocks yield clues about Earth's earliest crust
by Bryan Alary, University of Alberta, May 28, 2014

Reimink, J. R., T. Chacko, R. A. Stern, L. M. Heaman,
2014, Earth’s earliest evolved crust generated in an
Iceland-like setting. Nature Geoscience. Published
online May 25, 2014 10.1038/ngeo2170


Paul H.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

A Habitable Environment on Martian Volcano?

A Habitable Environment on Martian Volcano?

Life on Mars could have flourished on the flanks
of a giant Martian volcano in the relatively recent
past, The Guardian, May 28,2014

Martian Slopes of Arsia Mons May Have Been
Home to a Habitable Environment. SciTech Daily

A habitable environment on Martian volcano?
Bronw University, Kevin Stacey, May 27, 2014

The paper is:

Scanlon, K. E., J. W. Head, L. Wilson, and D. R.
Marchant, 2014, Volcano–ice interactions in the
Arsia Mons tropical mountain glacier deposits.
Icarus vol. 237, pp. 315-339.


Paul H.

An ancient glacial system in Valles Marineris, Mars

An ancient glacial system in Valles Marineris, Mars

An ancient glacial system in Valles Marineris, Mars
Post by O. Bourgeois, M. Gourronc, D. Mège and S. Pochat – Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique, Université de Nantes, France

Paul H.