Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Mars: More Earth-Like Than Moon-Like

Mars: More Earth-Like Than Moon-Like

Mars: More Earth-Like Than Moon-Like, Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, February 24, 2017

More Earth-Like than Moon-Like: How Mars Got Its Volcanoes
by Paige Jarreau, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana
State UniversityBaton rouge, Louisiana, February 24, 2017

Elysium Mons Volcano, Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) High and
Low Resolution Images SPO-2 Observations

The paper is:

Susko, D., and others (2017) A record of igneous evolution in
Elysium, a major Martian volcanic province. Scientific Reports 7

Another paper is:

Grott, M., Baratoux, D., Hauber, E., Sautter, V., Mustard, J., Gasnault,
O., Ruff, S.W., Karato, S.I., Debaille, V., Knapmeyer, M. and Sohl, F.,
2013. Long-term evolution of the Martian crust-mantle system.
Space Science Reviews, 174(1-4), pp.49-111.


Paul H.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Carboniferous Cosmic Microspheres Usolka, Russia

Carboniferous Cosmic Microspheres Usolka, Russia

Sungatullin, R.K., Sungatullina, G.M., Zakirov, M.I., Tsel’movich,
V.A., Glukhov, M.S., Bakhtin, A.I., Osin, Y.N. and Vorob’ev,
V.V., 2017. Cosmic microspheres in the Carboniferous deposits
of the Usolka section (Urals foredeep). Russian Geology and
Geophysics, 58(1), pp.58-68.

Сунгатуллин Р. Х., Сунгатуллина Г. М., Закиров М. И., Цельмович
В. А., Глухов М. С., Бахтин А. И., Осин Ю. Н., Воробьев В. В.
Микросферы космического происхождения в каменноугольных
породах разреза Усолка, Предуральский прогиб // Геология и
геофизика. 2017. Т. 58. № 1. С. 74-85.


Paul H.

Evidence of a 'Chaotic Solar System' from Cretaceous of Colorado

Evidence of a 'Chaotic Solar System' from Cretaceous of Colorado

From rocks in Colorado, evidence of a 'chaotic solar system'
University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 22, 2017

The paper is:

Ma, C., S. R. Meyers, and B. B. Sageman. Theory of chaotic
orbital variations confirmed by Cretaceous geological evidence.
Nature, 2017; 542 (7642): 468-470 DOI: 10.1038/nature21402

Related paper:

Sageman, B. B., J. Rich, M. A. Arthur, G. E. Birchfield, and
W. E. Dean, 1997, Evidence for Milankovitch Periodicities in
Cenomanian-Turonian Lithologic and Geochemical Cycles,
Western Interior U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research,
Section B: Stratigraphy and Global Studies Vol. 67 (1997)
No. 2. (March), Pages 286-302


Paul H.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

After Earth’s Worst Mass Extinction, Life Rebounded Rapidly

Worst Mass Extinction, Life Rebounded Rapidly

After Earth’s Worst Mass Extinction, Life Rebounded Rapidly, Fossils
Suggest, Trilobites, Nichlos ST. Fleur, New york times, Feb. 16, 2017

New fossil discovery suggests sea life bounced back after the 'Great
Dying' faster than thought, PhysOrg, February 16, 2017

The paper is:

Brayard, A., Krumenacker, L.J., Botting, J.P., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G.,
Fara, E., Vennin, E., Olivier, N., Goudemand, N., Saucède, T. and
Charbonnier, S., 2017. Unexpected Early Triassic marine ecosystem
and the rise of the Modern evolutionary fauna. Science Advances,
3(2), p.e1602159.


Paul H.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Who Isn’t Profiting Off the Backs of Researchers?

Who Isn’t Profiting Off the Backs of Researchers?

Below are a couple of though provoking essays. Needless to say,
they do not necessarily represent my opinions, just that it is a
matter that the producers and consumers of scientific research
meteorites and other matters have to deal with in their lives.

Dear Scholars, Delete Your Account At Academia.Edu
Sarah Bond, Forbes, #WhoaScience, January 23, 2017

A response to the above article is:

Who Isn’t Profiting Off the Backs of Researchers?
Jon Tennant, The Crux, February 1, 2017

Green Tea and Velociraptors, Jon Tennant
(Papers on open access and scientific publishing)


Paul H.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Modeling Impact Breaching of Europa's Ice Crust

Modeling Impact Breaching of Europa's Ice Crust

Life on Europa may have been sparked by COMETS: Rocks carrying biological material could have penetrated the moon's thick crust to reach the oceans beneath

The paper is:

Cox, R. and Bauer, A.W., 2015. Impact breaching of Europa's ice:
Constraints from numerical modeling. Journal of Geophysical
Research: Planets, 120(10), pp.1708-1719.

Another paper is:

Cox, R., *Ong, L.C.F., Arakawa, M., and *Scheider, K.C., 2008
Impact penetration of Europa’s ice crust as a mechanism for
formation of chaos terrain, Meteoritics and Planetary Science,
v. 43 (12), p. 2027-2048.


Paul H.

New Insight into Silica Explains Planetary Smashup

New Insight into Silica Explains Planetary Smashup

New Insight into Silica Explains Planetary Smashup
Earth & Space Science News, Eos, vol. 98, no. 2, p. 43.

There are other interesting science articles in the
February 2017 issue (vol. 98, no. 2) of "EOS" at:

The paper is:

Connolly, J.A., 2016. Liquid‐vapor phase relations in the Si‐O
system: A calorically constrained van der Waals‐type model.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(9), pp.1641-1666.


Paul H.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

First Nuclear Explosion Helps Test Theory of Moon's Formation

First Nuclear Explosion Helps Test Theory of Moon's Formation

First nuclear explosion helps test theory of moon's formation
By Annie Reisewitz, Univ. of California, San Diego, February 9, 2017

Glass from nuclear test site shows the moon was born dry
New Scientist, February 8, 2017

Day, J. D. M., F. Moynier, A. P. Meshik, O. V. Pradivtseva,
and D. R. Petit, 2017, Evaporative fractionation of zinc during
the first nuclear detonation Science Advances. Vol. 3, no. 2, e1602668
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602668 CCBY-NC


Paul H.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

No link between gigantic Ordovician asteroid break-up, rise in biodiversity (open access paper)

No link between gigantic Ordovician asteroid break-up, rise in biodiversity (open access paper)

Myth busted: No link between gigantic asteroid break-up,
rise in biodiversity, University of Copenhagen, February 3, 2017

the paper is;

Lindskog, A., M. M. Costa, C.M.Ø. Rasmussen, J. N. Connelly,
and M. E. Eriksson, 2017, Refined Ordovician timescale reveals
no link between asteroid breakup and biodiversification.
Nature Communications, 2017; 8: 14066 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14066


Paul H.

Dwarf planet Ceres may have vanishing ice volcanoes

Dwarf planet Ceres may have vanishing ice volcanoes

American Geophysical Union, February 2, 2017

Ceres' vanishing ice volcanoes: Dwarf planet may havehad 'cryovolcanoes' millions of years ago that flattened out over time, leaving just one behind, Daily Mail

The paper is:

Michael M. Sori, Shane Byrne, M. T. Bland, A. M. Bramson,

A. I. Ermakov, C. W. Hamilton, K. A. Otto, O. Ruesch, and

C. T. Russell, 2017, The vanishing cryovolcanoes of Ceres.

Geophysical Research Letters, 2017; DOI: 10.1002/2016GL072319


Paul H.

Evidence of 2 billion years of volcanic activity on Mars

Evidence of 2 billion years of volcanic activity on Mars

Evidence of 2 billion years of volcanic activity on Mars
Meteorite found in Africa provides clues to evolution
of the red planet, University of Houston, February 2, 2017

The paper is:

Lapen, T. J., M. Righter, R. Andreasen, A. J. Irving,
A. M. Satkoski, B. L. Beard, K. Nishiizumi, A. J. T. Jull,
and M. W. Caffee. Two billion years of magmatism
recorded from a single Mars meteorite ejection site.
Science Advances, 2017; 3 (2): e1600922 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600922


Paul H.