Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

We all have our "bad rock days" 29MAY2019

 We all have our "bad rock days"

There are some days, which are bad rock days, that person wishes
they could have stayed in bed. In case of the Colorado Department
of Transportation, there is:

Boulder the size of a building blocks Colorado highway
Lauren M. Johnson, CNN, May 25, 2019

The approximate location of this slide is 37 33'51.3"N 108 22'15.1"W .
A person even see one large rock ready to slide in Google Earth.

Giant Rock 'the Size of a Building' Is Blocking a Highway
in Colorado 'Indefinitely'. The two boulders weigh 2.3
million and 8.5 million pounds, respectively
By Rachel DeSantis, People Magazine, May 26, 2019

Massive boulder 'the size of a building' blocks highway
ABC Television Stations. Published on May 25, 2019


Paul H.

Reidite implies asteroid impact created Libyan Desert Glass 29MAY2019

 Reidite implies asteroid impact created Libyan Desert Glass

Mystery of Libyan desert glass solved at last. Famous
since the time of King Tut the origin of the scattered
glass fragments has long puzzled researchers. Aaron
Cavosie from Australia's Curtin University explains.

Planetary scientists unravel mystery of Egyptian
desert glass by Curtin University, PhysOrg

100-Year Mystery Solved, Yellow Glass In Egyptian
Desert Caused By Meteorite Strike, Athena Chan, Tech Times

The paper is:

Cavosie, A.J. and Koeberl, C., 2019. Overestimation of
threat from 100 Mt class airbursts? High-pressure
evidence from zircon in Libyan Desert Glass. Geology.
DOI: 10.1130/G45974.1

Another open access paper is:

Koeberl, C. and Ferrire, L., 2019. Libyan Desert Glass area
in western Egypt: Shocked quartz in bedrock points to a
possible deeply eroded impact structure in the region.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science. open access


Paul H.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

ASU receives the first extraterrestrial mud ball in 50 years 25MAY2019

 ASU receives the first extraterrestrial mud ball in 50 years

ASU receives the first extraterrestrial mud ball in 50 years
Arizona state University.

This Super Rare Mud Meteorite Crashed into a Costa Rican House
It could provide huge clues about the origins of our solar system.
image by David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, May 22, 2019

This Weird Meteorite Crashed Through a Doghouse in
Costa Rica. (The Dog's Fine) By Meghan Bartels
Science & Astronomy


Paul H.

Two million-year long meteorite record found in Atacama Desert, Chile 25MAY2019

 Two million-year long meteorite record found in Atacama Desert, Chile

Oldest meteorite collection on Earth found in one
of the driest places, Geological Society of America
Sciencedaily, May 23, 2019

Earth's Oldest Meteorite Collection Just Found
in the Driest Place on the Planet
By Brandon Specktor, May 24, 2019

The paper is:

A. Drouard, J. Gattacceca, A. Hutzler, P. Rochette, R.
Braucher, D. Bourl??s, ASTER Team, M. Gounelle, A.
Morbidelli, V. Debaille, M. Van Ginneken, M.
Valenzuela, Y. Quesnel, R. Martinez. The meteorite
flux of the past 2 m.y. recorded in the Atacama
Desert. Geology, May 22, 2019. Open Access


Paul H.

Friday, 24 May 2019

The Mystique of Coastal Chevrons 24MAY2019

 The Mystique of Coastal Chevrons

Coastal chevron landforms have had a mystique in the
among some of the impact cratering community as an
indicator of megatusanmis likely generated by Holocene
oceanic impacts. A recent paper that discusses this
and theories of their origin is:

Vimpere, L., Kindler, P. and Castelltort, S., 2019.
Chevrons: Origin and relevance for the
reconstruction of past wind regimes. Earth-Science
Reviews. 193, pp. 317-332



Saturday, 18 May 2019

Micrometeorites in Your Gutter and Plio‐Pleistocene microtektites from Florida 18MAY2019

 Micrometeorites in Your Gutter and Plio‐Pleistocene microtektites from Florida

Can you Really Find Micrometeorites in Your Gutter? Well
Phil Plait, Bad Astronomy. May 16, 2019

Flecks of Extraterrestrial Dust, All Over the Roof
The New York Times, By By William J. Broad

Genge, M.J., Larsen, J., Van Ginneken, M. and Suttle, M.D., 2017.
An urban collection of modern-day large micrometeorites:
Evidence for variations in the extraterrestrial dust flux through
the Quaternary. Geology, 45(2), pp.119-122.

A paper about Plio‐Pleistocene microtektites in Florida shell beds.

Meyer, M., Harries, P.J. and Portell, R.W., 2019. A first report
of microtektites from the shell beds of southwestern Florida.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science.


Paul H.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Water Could Have Drowned the Earth If Not for Ancient Supernova 13MAY2019

 Water Could Have Drowned the Earth If Not for Ancient Supernova

Water Could Have Drowned the Earth If Not for Ancient Supernova
By Charles Q. Choi,Sopace_Com, February 12, 2019

The paper is;

Lichtenberg, T., Golabek, G.J., Burn, R., Meyer, M.R., Alibert, Y., Gerya,
T.V., and Mordasini, C., 2019, A water budget dichotomy of rocky
protoplanets from 26Al-heating. Nature Astronomy. volume 3, pages 307–313.

Paul H.

Eugene Shoemaker Responsible for TV Coverage of Apollo 11 Moon Walk 13MAY2019

 Eugene Shoemaker Responsible for TV Coverage of Apollo 11 Moon Walk

Mission control might never have witnessed Neil Armstrong take his first

steps on the moon if it weren't for the vision of men like Eugene Shoemaker.


Geologists Ivo Luccitta and Jerry Schaber say Shoemaker, who was their

boss and a top gun at the U.S. Geological Survey, made a lot of stuff

happen on that historic mission.




Paul H.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Christian Koeberl Lecture on Impact Bombardment 02MAY2019

 Christian Koeberl Lecture on Impact Bombardment

The impact bombardment history of the early earth
by Christian Koeberl, University of Vienna (2017)

Other lectures are:

Impacts and consequences for life
by Philippe Claeys, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2019)

Impacts and consequences for life
by Kalle Kirsimae, University of Tartu (2017)

More lectures at:


Paul H.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Lecture on Archean Asteroid Impacts and Paleoenvironments 01MAY2019

 Lecture on Archean Asteroid Impacts and Paleoenvironments

A great lecture and lengthy lecture about
Archean paleoenvironments, tectonics,
asteroid impacts, and some paleontology is:

Archean Surface Conditions
Ideas in Science
By Christoph Heubeck - RED18
Published on Mar 12, 2018

It begins:

"Here is the the principal take-home take-home
message. All right. We know very little about the
early Earth and and therefore it's such an
interesting thing to talk about. We do know a bit
right. We know just enough to talk endlessly about
it but we do not know enough to supply you with
firm numbers that would put any issue too
firmly to arrest."


Paul H.