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Friday, 22 June 2007

Centimeter cubes

Centimeter cubes

Paul bristolia at
Thu Jun 21 23:55:27 EDT 2007

Does anyone know why the specific letters, which are
found on a standard centimeter cube, were originally

Svend wrote:

>thanks for your kind words on the scalecube story. No,

>the cubes circulating with the broad engravings and

>the "1cm" gimmick are a follow up product done by

>someone else. They also use a different font than the

>original NASA type cubes.

I have to wonder if ten years from now, there will be
people collecting the different types of scalecubes /
centimeter cubes as people on this list are collecting
meteorites. I can just see people searching for a Drake
centimeter cube for their collection as a person would
look for either a Thuathe or a Brahin for their collection.

>However, every cubeless collector is free to choose

>what product serves best his duties. And we encourage

>everyone who whants to give it a try to produce his or

>her own cubes. Its a free market, and hey, in the end

>its just a cube ;)

Maybe someone can convince the Geological Society
of America to make and sell them as they sell grain-size
cards, field photoscales, field notebooks, and other
stuff used by geologists. It seems to me that geologists,
paleontologists, and even archaeologists would benefit
by using the centimeter cube instead the bizarre
collection of coins, keys, photoscales, and other
objects used as a scale in pictures of rocks, fossils,
and artifacts. I will be using centimeter cubes for
scale in the pictures of rocks, fossils, and artifacts,
which I take to illustrate articles and papers.

Best Regards,


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