Online Moldavite papers (including "Moldavites: a review")
The Czech Geological Survey has a number
of papers published in the Bulletin of
the Czech Geological Survey. These papers
include some that discuss Moldavites.
The Czech Geological Survey web page is at:
The papers, which found are:
Trnka, M., and Houzar, S., 2002, Moldavites: a
review. Bulletin of the Czech Geological Survey.
Vol. 77, No. 4,pp. 283-302.
Artemieva, N., E. Pierazzo, and Stoffler, D.,
2002, Numerical modeling of tektite origin in
oblique impacts: Implication to Ries-Moldavites
strewn field. Bulletin of the Czech Geological
Survey. vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 303-311.
Sevcik, J., Z. Kvacek, and D. H. Mai, 2007, A
new mastixioid florula from tektite-bearing
deposits in South Bohemia, Czech Republic
(Middle Miocene, Vrábče Member). Bulletin
of Geosciences, Vol. 82, No. 4, 429-436,
Kvacek, Z., and V. Teodoridis, 2007, Tertiary
macrofloras of the Bohemian Massif: a review
with correlations within Boreal and Central
Europe. Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol. 82,
No. 4, 383-408. Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol. 82, No. 4, 429-436,
Paul H.
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