Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

"The Wave, " A Sight To see in Arizona

"The Wave, " A Sight To see in Arizona

For rock hounds and meteorite collectors going to Tucson, Arizona, a very
popular and beautiful rock formation to visit in northeast
Arizona is the "The Wave" (rock formation). This rock
formation consists of an outcrop of deeply eroded,
large-scale, eolian cross-beds in the Navajo Sandstone
in the Paria Canyon- Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness, in
Coconino County, Arizona. It is so popular that there is
a daily online and onsite lottery that held to determine,
who can visit it on any specific day. A popular article
about it is:

Arizona's Wave rock formation a stone-cold stunner
by Hugo Martín, Times, November 20, 2007,
1. More Photographs of "The Wave" ... and 3.

2. Seiler, W. M., 2008, Jurassic Navajo sandstone of Coyote
Buttes, Utah/Arizona : coloration and diagenetic history,
preservation of a dinosaur trample surface, and terrestrial
analogs to Mars. Unpublished M.S. thesis, Dept. of
Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah.

The 11.5 MB PDF file is available from

and 3. Loope, D. B., W. M. Seiler, J. A. Mason, and M. A.
Chan, 2008, Wind scour of Navajo Sandstone at the Wave
(central Colorado Plateau, U.S.A.) Journal of Geology.
vol. 116, pp. 173-183.

Link to PDF file at;

The 1.4 MB PDF file is available from;

By the way, it's a long hike to this rock formation. In addition
a person should bring a GPS too since the trail is very poorly

Best wishes,

Paul H.

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