Alamo impact, Nevada, Theses (Online)
Some online publications about the Alamo
Impact in southeastern Nevada are:
Anderson, J., 2008, Reconstructing the Aftermath
of the Late Devonian Alamo Meteor Impact in
the Pahranagat Range, Southeastern Nevada.
unpublished MS thesis, Department of
Geosciences, Idaho State University, Moscow,
Idaho, May, 2008. 191 pp.
Retzler, R. J., 2013, Post-Impact Depositional
Environments as a Proxy for Crater. Architecture,
Late Devonian, Alamo Impact Event, Nevada.
unpublished MS thesis, Department of
Geosciences, Idaho State University, Moscow,
Idaho, Summer 2013. 94 pp.
Sheffield, J. W. 2011, Reassessing Stratigraphic
Patterns of the Alamo Impact Deposits Using a
Relational Database and GIS Analytical Tools,
Lincoln County, Nevada. unpublished MS
thesis, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State
University, Moscow, Idaho, May 2010,
February 2011. 103 pp.
Thomason, C. J., 2010, Recovery of the carbonate
platform and fauna in the aftermath of the Late
Devonian Alamo Impact, Hiko Hills Range,
Southeastern Nevada. unpublished MS thesis,
Department of Geosciences, Idaho State
University, Moscow, Idaho, May 2010. 257 pp.
Paul H.