Wyoming Turritella Agate Publcations
Below are some publications about Wyoming Turritella Agate
that I came across while looking through Internet web pages
for some information about it.
Allmon, W. D., 2004. Into Focus. Googling Turritella, or
The Present and Future Value of the Web for Paleontological
Research. Palaeontologia Electronica. vol. 7, no. 2, 2E:9, 171KB;
Allmon, W. D., 2005, Paleontology of “Turretella Agate”, A
Pleurocerid Gastropod-Dominated Assemblage from the Eocene
Green River Formation of Wyoming. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs. vol. 37, no. 1, p. 19
Allmon, W. D., 2009, The Natural (and Not-So-Natural)
History of “Turritella Agate.” Rocks & Minerals. vol. 84,
pp. 160-165.
Allmon, W. D., nda, A Bibliography on "Turritella" agate,
Museum of the Earth. athttp://www.priweb.org/Research/Turr%20Agate%20Biblio.htm
Allmon, W. D., ndb, "Turritella" Agate, Museum of the Earth.
at: http://www.priweb.org/Research/Turritella%20Agate.htm
Anonymous, nd, Turritella Agate, Museum of the Earth.
Dolenc, A., 1979, Turritella agate- A new find in southwest
Wyoming. Lapidary Journal. vol. 33, no. 8, p. 1692.
Dolenc, A., 1981, Turritella agate: Update. Lapidary Journal.
vol. 34 , no. 11, pp. 2484-85.
Grande, L. 1984. Paleontology of the Green River Formation,
with a review of the fish fauna. Bulletin no. 63. Geological
Survey of Wyoming,
Spendlove, E., 1977, Wyoming Turritella agate-Field trip:
It's in the Delaney Rim south of Wamsutter. Rock & Gem.
vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 52-55.
Other links at https://www.museumoftheearth.org/research.php?page=pubs_all
Paul H.