Online Thesis About The Bloody Creek Crater, southwestern Nova Scotia
While searching the Internet, I came across tan accessibel
PDF version of a thesis about the the Bloody Creek structure
Nova Scotia, Canada. It is:
Nalepa, M. E. 2012, Investigation of the form and age of
the Bloody Creek Crater, southwestern Nova Scotia.
unpublished Acadia Honour’s thesis, Vaughan Memorial
Library, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Other online versions of publications about the Bloody
Creek structure are:
Anonymous (1995) Meteor Crater, Nova Scotia. The
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.
vol. 89, pp. 111–113.
Brisco, T. H. (2009) The North Group – A newly
discovered multiple impact crater site in southwestern
Nova Scotia? Atlantic Geology. vol. 45, p. 146
Brisco, T. H., I. P. Spooner, P. Pufahl, E. King, and
G. Stevens (2010) The North Group; a possible multiple
impact crater site in southwestern Nova Scotia. Atlantic
Geology. vl. 46, pp. 44-45
Stevens, G., I. Spooner, J. Morrow, P. Pufah, R. Raeside,
R. A. F. Grieve, C. R. Stanley, S. M. Barr, and D.
McMullin (2008) Physical evidence of a late-glacial
(Younger Dryas?) impact event in southwestern Nova
Scotia. Atlantic Geology. vol. 44, p. 42.
Spooner I., G. Stevens, J. Morrow, P. Pufahl, R. A. F.
Grieve, R. Raeside, J. Pilon, C. Stanley, S. Barr, and D.
McMullin (2009) Identification of the Bloody Creek
structure, a possible impact crater in southwestern
Nova Scotia, Canada. Meteoritics and Planetary Science.
vol. 44, pp. 1193–1202.
Spooner, I., P. Pufahl, T. Brisco, J. Morrow, M. Nalepa,
J. Spray, P. Williams, and G. Stevens (2013). Creek:
A low-angled multiple impact crater site in southwestern
Nova Scotia, Canada. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs. vol. 45, no. 1, p. 73.
Paul H.