Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Re: [meteorite-list] Changes In 14C and Impacts

Re: [meteorite-list] Changes In 14C and Impacts
Sterling K. Webb wrote:

>The village is actually named "Kitscoty."
>Kitscoty is named after a village in
>Kent (U.K.) with a famous stone
>megalithic structure, so while Googling
>for a Kitscoty Structure you have to
>distinguish which Kitscoty and what
>kind of structure is meant.
>The "structure" referred to is a proposed
>"rebound" plateau of an impact south of
>Kitscoty, Alberta, Canada:

I found two geological maps that cover the area of this alleged
structure. they are:

Kitscoty, Alberta, 1942, A Series, 1:253,440 scale, Geological Map

Bedrock Geology of the Vermilion Area (NTS 73E), Map 570,
1:250,000 scale, Alberta Geological Survey

The Kitscoty, Alberta, 1942, A Series, geological Map shows
that this alleged feature is neither circular nor even a structure.
This map show only relatively flat lying Cretaceous sedimentary
strata that lacks any significant structure to it. There are a
couple of accurate geomorphic features. But neither of them
form a circle. It does not look like there is anything
significant about this "feature."

However, a nearby map that I came across shows what is
called the "Eagle Butte Astrobleme" just west of the Cypress
Hills, Alberta. The map is:

Bedrock Geology of the Foremost Area (NTS 72E),
Map 568, 1:250,000 scale, Alberta Geological Survey

The Cypress Hills, Canada


Paul H.

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