Drumlin Formation Not Necessarily Evidence Of Catastrophic Event
People have selectively used the ideas of Dr. John Shaw to claim that they are undisputed indicators of catastrophic subglacial floods associated with extraterrestrial impacts. However, in their arguments, they completely either ignore over overlook any other research that strongly indicate that there is a lack of
any connection between catastrophic subglacial floods and drumlin formation. Some of this recent research is:
Observations from the surge-type glacier Múlajökull in Iceland underpin new modeling results that suggest the glacier's drumlins grow during quiet intervals of normal flow between glacial surges.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Publications are:
Iverson, N.R., McCracken, R.G., Zoet, L.K., Benediktsson, Í.Ö., Schomacker, A., Johnson, M.D. and Woodard, J., 2017. A theoretical model of drumlin formation based on observations at Múlajökull, Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(12), pp. 2302-2323. DOI: 10.1002/2017JF004354
Iverson, N.R., McCracken, R., Zoet, L., Benediktsson, Í., Schomacker, A., Johnson, M., Finlayson, A., Phillips, E. and Everest, J., 2016. A theoretical model of drumlin formation based on observations at Múlajökull, Iceland. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 18, EGU2016-2655, 2016
Svante Björck and Per Sandgren, 2017, "The Beauty of Drumlins and the Mystery of their Genesis", May 12th 2017, A mini-symposium to honor the retirement of Per Möller, Department of Geology, Lund University.
Paul H.
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