Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Monday, 30 July 2018

Tick-Borne Meat Allergy, Another Reason To Be Careful About Tick 30JUL2018

Tick-Borne Meat Allergy, Another Reason To Be Careful About Tick

Meteorite hunters tromping through fields, forests, pastures,
and grasslands should always be careful of tick bites. The upswing
in Tick-Borne Meat Allergy is an important one.

What the Mystery of the Tick-Borne Meat Allergy Could Reveal
Unraveling why tick bites are suddenly causing a strange reaction
in some people who eat meat could help scientists better
understand how all allergies work. The New York Times

Red Meat Allergies Caused By Tick Bites Are On The Rise
Morning Edition, June 25, 2018


Paul H.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Einstein's theory passes black hole test 27JUL2018

Einstein's theory passes black hole test 

Einstein theory passes black hole test
By Paul Rincon, BBC News website

The paper is:

R. Abuter, A. Amorim, et al., 2018, Detection of the g
ravitational redshift in the orbit of the star S2 near the
Galactic centre massive black hole. Astronomy and
astrophysics. Volume 615, July 2018, Article Number L15,
Published online 26 July 2018


Paul H.


Research Continues At Bee Bluff Structure in South Texas 27JUL2018

 Research Continues At Bee Bluff Structure in South Texas

Research continues at the suspected impact structure
and controversial Bee Bluff feature in South, Texas.

High-impact research: SAC team looks for meteorite crater
By Brian Contreras, July 24, 2018

Online papers about Bee Bluff.

Sharpton, V.L. and Nielsen, D.C., 1988, March. Is the Bee
Bluff structure in S. Texas an impact crater?. In Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference (Vol. 19).

Graham, R.A. and Wilson, W.F., 2005, March. Reinvestigation
of the Bee Bluff Structure South of Uvalde, Texas,The Uvalde
Crater.'. In 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
(Vol. 36).

Jurena, S.D., French, B.M. and Gaffey, M.J., 2001. Planar
Deformation Feature Orientations and Distribution in Quartz
Grains from the Carrizo Sand Formation in South Texas: Relation
to the Bee Bluff Structure. Lunar and Planetary Science XXII
abstract, (1828).

More papers about Bee Bluff in ResearchGate at:

Feathergail Wilson, W. and Hord Wilson, D., 1979. Remnants of
a probable Tertiary impact crater in south Texas. Geology, 7(3),
pp. 144-146.


Paul H.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Online Guidebook to Western Australian Impact Craters 24JUL2018

 Online Guidebook to Western Australian Impact Craters

I came across a quite interesting field guide to
impact craters of western Australia. It has
detailed descriptions of several impact craters
and associated impactites.

It is:

Western Australian impact craters - a field guide
Field Excursion 20-29 August 2012 (Post
Meteoritical Society Conference Excursion)
Geological Survey of Western Australia


Paul H.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Collapse of civilizations worldwide defines youngest unit of the Geologic Time Scale 17JUL2018

 Collapse of civilizations worldwide defines youngest unit of the Geologic Time Scale

Collapse of civilizations worldwide defines youngest unit
of the Geologic Time Scale, Late Holocene Meghalayan Age

CS chart containing the Quaternary and Cambrian
GSSPs and new stages (v 2018/07) is now released!

"proposal submitted by ICS that subdivides the Holocene Series
into the Greenlandian (11,700 yr b2k), Northgrippian (8326 yr b2k),
and Meghalayan (4200 yr before 1950) stages, and that these
stages correspond to the Lower, Middle and Upper Holocene
subseries. A speleothem collected from the Mawmluh Cave,
northern India, serves as the GSSP for the Meghalayan Stage
and will be curated in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC."


Paul H.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Shergotty Achondrite Paper Now Online 16JUL2018

 Shergotty Achondrite Paper Now Online

Stöffler, D., Ostertag, R., Jammes, C., Pfannschmidt, G., Gupta,
P.S., Simon, S.B., Papike, J.J. and Beauchamp, R.H., 1986. Shock
metamorphism and petrography of the Shergotty achondrite.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 50(6), pp. 889-903.


Paul H.

Saturday, 14 July 2018

The Violent Origin of the Earth and Moon 14JUL2018

 The Violent Origin of the Earth and Moon


A fascinating lecture that I listened to last night is:

Sarah Stewart, "The Violent Origin of the Earth and Moon"
Harvard University, Aug 31, 2016

Also, there is an interesting philosophy of science lecture.

Noah Feldman: On the Nature of Evidence
Harvard University, February 3, 2014
Both are worth making time for on the weekend.


Paul H.

Friday, 13 July 2018

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Update on Offshore Meteorite Hunt - Washington Coast 05JUL2018

 Update on Offshore Meteorite Hunt - Washington Coast

Meteor fragments possibly found on ocean floor off Washington

coast Researchers may have found space rocks in the Pacific Ocean.

Drew Mikkelsen, July 3, 2018


Meteorite search off the Washington coast recovers two

small fragments by Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times, July 3, 2018




Paul H.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Toxic Giant Hogweed Spreading - Warning to Meteorite Collectors 03JUL2018

 Toxic Giant Hogweed Spreading - Warning to Meteorite Collectors

Although the below article do not specifically mention
meteorite collecting, it discusses a nasty, hazardous
plant, that meteorite collectors and anyone either collecting,
working or playing in the outdoors need to be aware of
and avoid.

'Horror Plant' causes 3rd-degree burns, blindness,
is spreading in Upstate NY (photos)
By Ben Axelson | June 26, 2018


Paul H.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Debate about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis Continues 02JUL2018

 Debate about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis Continues

The debate continues.

Why won’t this debate about an ancient cold snap die?

Despite mainstream opposition, a controversial comet impact hypothesis persists

BY Caroyln Gramling, Science News, June 26, 2018


Paul H.