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Friday 27 July 2018

Research Continues At Bee Bluff Structure in South Texas 27JUL2018

 Research Continues At Bee Bluff Structure in South Texas

Research continues at the suspected impact structure
and controversial Bee Bluff feature in South, Texas.

High-impact research: SAC team looks for meteorite crater
By Brian Contreras, July 24, 2018

Online papers about Bee Bluff.

Sharpton, V.L. and Nielsen, D.C., 1988, March. Is the Bee
Bluff structure in S. Texas an impact crater?. In Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference (Vol. 19).

Graham, R.A. and Wilson, W.F., 2005, March. Reinvestigation
of the Bee Bluff Structure South of Uvalde, Texas,The Uvalde
Crater.'. In 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
(Vol. 36).

Jurena, S.D., French, B.M. and Gaffey, M.J., 2001. Planar
Deformation Feature Orientations and Distribution in Quartz
Grains from the Carrizo Sand Formation in South Texas: Relation
to the Bee Bluff Structure. Lunar and Planetary Science XXII
abstract, (1828).

More papers about Bee Bluff in ResearchGate at:

Feathergail Wilson, W. and Hord Wilson, D., 1979. Remnants of
a probable Tertiary impact crater in south Texas. Geology, 7(3),
pp. 144-146.


Paul H.

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