Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

300-million-year-old tooth-wheel found in Russian Coal (Vladivostok) 22AUG2013

 300-million-year-old tooth-wheel found in Russian Coal (Vladivostok)

Weird things are reported from the rocks of
Russia including this Oopart.

300-million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel found in Russian
city of Vladivostok, the Voice of Russia, Jan. 19, 2013

Traces of the collapse of the "flying saucers" are
preserved in coal? January 12, 2013.

300-Million-Year-Old Tooth Wheel Found In Russian
Coal: Scientists by Lee Speigel, Huffington Post

Come on, Russian media! A “UFO tooth-wheel”? Silly.
(Update: notextraordinary) by idoubtit, January 19, 2013

A similar weird artifact was reported in vol. 21, p. 477,
of the 1901 "Strand Magazine," London, England. It stated

"Mr. R. C. Hardman, of Meadhurst, Uppingham, has been
the fortunate finder of a coin dated 1397 embedded in a
lump of coal,which formed part and parcel of a ton of that
useful commodity bought at current prices."

There is a picture of this coin that accompanies this article.

So we have evidence that the Carboniferous Period dates
to 1397.  :-)  :-)  :-)

In interpreting such finds, a person has to realize is that
as coal is processed, it often gets fairly well crushed and
fragmented. The powdered and fragmented coal gets compacted
and squeezed during later processing, storage, or
transportation into relatively hard lumps what readily
mistaken as original solid lumps of coal. In the process
of processing coal, all types of different pieces of
machinery and various types of personal items get mixed
into the coal and can be incorporated into these
pseudo-lumps of coal. As a result, people, who find such
objects in coal, mistakenly believe that these objects were
originally part of the coal. In addition, when coal is
sitting in outside piles, weathering  and cementation of
it also occurs. This also forms pseudo-lumps of coal that
can incorporated manmade objects in them. People can also
mistake these artifacts as being imbedded in unaltered
prehistoric coal. In the above articles clearly state
that the object was not found in piece of freshly mined
coal but rather in coal that had likely been already
through a lot of processing, storage, shipping, and
other handling as it was being fed into either a stove
or furnace to be burned.

The 1397 coin and the aluminum machined cog wheel are
likely both quite "real." It is just that neither of them
were deposited along with the coal. Thus, they neither
can used to date the coal nor the coal can be used to
date them.

My favorite Russian "Oopart" is still:

"Ancient machine gears embedded in rock? Nope.

Machine dated at 400 million years found in Russia,
Brazil Weird News, March 8, 2012,

Compare the pictures in the above articles to
File:FossileLaudonomphalus regularis.jpg at


Paul H.

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