Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Thursday 28 May 2020

A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact 28MAY2020

 A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact

Dinosaur-dooming asteroid struck Earth at
'deadliest possible' angle Imperial College London, May 26, 2020

Collins, G.S., Patel, N., Davison, T.M. et al. A steeply-
inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact. Nature
Communications 11, 1480 (2020).

Another paper:

Rae, A.S., Collins, G.S., Poelchau, M., Riller, U., Davison,
T.M., Grieve, R.A., Osinski, G.R., Morgan, J.V. and
IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists, 2019. Stress‐Strain
Evolution During Peak‐Ring Formation: A Case Study
of the Chicxulub Impact Structure. Journal of
Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(2), pp.396-417.


Paul H.

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