Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Ancient Meteorite Impact Produced Highest Natural Temperature Ever On Earth 27SEP2017

 Ancient Meteorite Impact Produced Highest Natural Temperature Ever On Earth

Ancient Meteorite Impact Produced Highest Natural
Temperature Ever On Earth, Extreme Tech, Sept. 18, 2017

Meteorite Impact Caused the Highest Temperature
ever Recorded on Earth's Surface, Phys.Org Sept 18, 2017

The paper is:

Nicholas E. Timms, Timmons M. Erickson, Michael R. Zanetti,
Mark A. Pearce, Cyril Cayron, Aaron J. Cavosie, Steven M. Reddy,
Axel Wittmann, and Paul K. Carpenter, 2017, Cubic zirconia in
>2370 °C impact melt records Earth's hottest crust. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters Volume 477, Pages 52-58


Paul H.

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