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Wednesday 9 September 2020

Colonisation and alteration of stony meteorites by microorganisms 09SEP2020

Colonisation and alteration of stony meteorites by microorganisms

Tait, A.W., 2017. On the colonisation and alteration
of stony meteorites by microorganisms from the
Nullarbor Plain, Australia: Applications for future
astrobiology exploration on Mars (Doctoral dissertation,
Monash University).

Tait, A.W., Gagen, E.J., Wilson, S.A., Tomkins, A.G.
and Southam, G., 2020. Eukaryotic Colonization
of Micrometer-Scale Cracks in Rocks: A “Microfluidics”
Experiment Using Naturally Weathered
Meteorites from the Nullarbor Plain, Australia.
Astrobiology, 20(3), pp.364-374.

Tait, A.W., Gagen, E.J., Wilson, S.A., Tomkins, A.G.
and Southam, G., 2017. Microbial populations of
stony meteorites: substrate controls on first colonizers.
Frontiers in microbiology, 8, p.1227.


Paul H.

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