Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Saturday 30 June 2018

International Asteroid Day 30JUN2018

 International Asteroid Day

"Asteroid Day (also known as International Asteroid Day)
is an annual global event which is held on the anniversary
of the Siberian Tunguska event that took place on June 30th, 1908."

International Asteroid Day: Are we ready if an asteroid
strikes Earth? Ashley Strickland, CNN, June 29, 2018

Letter of Recommendation: Asteroid Day
New York Times, Erica Berry, June 20, 2018

Let's check in on The Planetary Society's asteroid hunters
Jason Davis, The Planetary Society, June 29, 2018

Asteroid Day Live From Luxembourg


Paul H.

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