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Wednesday 21 November 2018

Is Ownership Governed by Surface Rights or Mineral Rights ? 21NOV2018

 Is Ownership Governed by Surface Rights or Mineral Rights ?

This is an interesting legal battle about whether
surface rights or mineral rights determines fossil

Fight over dinosaur fossils comes down to what’s a mineral
 By Amy Beth Hanson, AP, Washington Post, November 16, 2018

The article states:

"Ownership of two fossilized dinosaur skeletons found on a
Montana ranch in 2006 are the subject of a legal battle over
whether they are part of a property’s surface rights or mineral
rights. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued  a split
decision saying fossils are minerals under mineral rights laws."

In case of meteorites, would a fall found on the surface be
governed by surface rights and a buried meteorite dug
from the ground be governed by mineral rights?  :-)  :-)


Paul H.

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