Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Thursday 30 January 2020

Yarrabubba impact structure, Australia, dated to 2224 - 2234 Ma (end of Snowball Earth) 30JAN2020

 Yarrabubba impact structure, Australia, dated to 2224 - 2234 Ma (end of Snowball Earth)

Earth's oldest asteroid strike linked to 'big thaw'

Curtin University, January 22, 2020


the open access paper is:


Timmons M. Erickson, Christopher L. Kirkland, Nicholas

E. Timms, Aaron J. Cavosie, Thomas M. Davison. Precise

radiometric age establishes Yarrabubba, Western

Australia, as Earth’s oldest recognised meteorite

impact structure. Nature Communications, 2020; 11 (1)

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13985-7




Paul H.

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