Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Bronze Age iron: Meteoritic or not? A chemical strategy. 16OCT2018

 Bronze Age iron: Meteoritic or not? A chemical strategy.

Jambon, A., 2017. Bronze Age iron: Meteoritic or not?
A chemical strategy. Journal of Archaeological Science, 88, pp.47-53

PDF file at:

Also, there is:

Chen, K., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Mei, J. and Jiang, T., 2018. Meteoritic
origin  and manufacturing process of iron blades in two Bronze
Age bimetallic objects from China. Journal of Cultural Heritage,
30, pp.45-50.

PDF file at:



Paul H.

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