Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Platinum Anomalies Found Associated with Volcanic Events 02SEP2018

 Platinum Anomalies Found Associated with Volcanic Events

Platinum anomalies have been associated with high-magnitude
late Holocene volcanic events. Go see:

Platinum is key in ancient volcanic related climate change
University of Cincinnati, July 31, 2018

Tankersley, K.B., Dunning, N.P., Owen, L.A., Huff, W.D.,
Park, J.H., Kim, C., Lentz, D.L. and Sparks-Stokes, D., 2018.
Positive Platinum anomalies at three late Holocene high
magnitude volcanic events in Western Hemisphere
sediments. Scientific reports, 8(1), number. 11298.

"Pt anomalies in sediments over a broad geographic area
indicate distinctive time-correlative atmospheric deposition
rates of platinum-rich volcanic ash."

 a related paper:

Soyol-Erdene, T.O., Huh, Y., Hong, S. and Hur, S.D., 2011.
A 50-year record of platinum, iridium, and rhodium in
Antarctic snow: volcanic and anthropogenic sources.
Environmental science & technology, 45(14), pp. 5929-5935.


Paul H.

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