Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Sunday 9 June 2019

Younger Dryas Apocalypse - Sedgwick’s "Historic Error" Corrected :-) :-) :-) 09JUN2019

Younger Dryas Apocalypse - Sedgwick’s "Historic Error" Corrected :-) :-) :-)

  It is utterly amazing what gets occasionally past peer-review.
According to the web page of Mediterranean Archaeology &
Archaeometry, articles submitted to this journal "...are subject
to a minimum of two external peer reviews." Obviously,
something went horribly wrong with the peer-review process
in the case of the below article.

Jaye, M., 2019. The Flooding of the Mediterranean
Basin at the Younger-Dryas Boundary. Mediterranean
Archaeology & Archaeometry, 19(1). and

At its bottom, there is a note on Jaye's web page at:

"PS I submitted this essay in Nov 2017 to the National
Association of Scholars who declined to publish it because
it did not fit within our current editorial plans for Academic

An earlier example of the abject failure of peer-review
in archaeology is:

Cholleti, E.R., Vaddadi, K. and Yadav, A.H.K., 2017.
Puratana Aakasha-Yantrika Nirmana Sadhanavasthu
(Ancient Aero-mechanical manufacturing materials).
Materials Today: Proceedings, 4(8), pp.7704-7713.

Apparently, the editors had a change of mind and the
"Ancient Aero-mechanical manufacturing materials"
paper was only a couple of months ago retracted.

RETRACTED: Puratana Aakasha-Yantrika Nirmana Sadhanavasthu
(Ancient Aero-mechanical manufacturing materials)

Have fun,


Paul V. Heinrich

9887 Kinglet drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70809

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