Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Monday 14 October 2024

Kamil Crater, Egypt, "Strip-mined" and Destroyed by Meteorite Criminals 13OCT2024

Kamil Crater, Egypt, "Strip-mined" and Destroyed by Meteorite Criminals 13OCT2024

Kamil Crater, Egypt Shortly After Discovery in 2009- click on image to enlarge

I was looking at Wikipedia at the write up about the Kamil Crater at 22° 1'5.89"N latitude and 26° 5'15.69"E longitude. A recent addition to the article by Enrique Díaz-Martínez, Spain at

"According to evidence provided by Google Earth images, Kamil crater morphology and its prototypical rayed structure (well-preserved radiating features) have been destroyed between 2020 and 2023, most probably due to exhaustive plundering of meteorite fragments. The last image of the well preserved crater is of February 2020, whereas it is fully destroyed in the next image dated May 2023, so it was destroyed between those two dates. The size of the wheel tracks visible on trails to/from the former crater indicate that heavy machinery was used for the collection of meteoritic material.”

Kamil Crater, Egypt, Approx. 2022/23
-click on image to enlarge

Kamil Crater, Egypt, Completely Destroyed Image Approx. May 2023
-click on image to enlarge

The note was added on October 10, 2024

I looked at the Google Earth images and essentially agree with what is written. Although the exact timeline is open to interpretation, the aerial images do show that this crater, which is a protected site, has been destroyed by people illegally mining it presumably for iron meteorite fragments and spherules. Heavy machinery, presumably electromagnets and other methods were used to vandalize, desecrate, and otherwise destroy this irreplaceable part of the Egypt's geological heritage for personal gain.

Undoubtedly, there are stolen Egyptian meteorites are already in the marketplace for sale somewhere.


Paul H.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Fireball Movie Question- Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites, KOREAMET 08OCT2024

Fireball Movie Question- Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites, KOREAMET  08OCT2024

In [meteorite-list] Fireball Movie Question on Tue, 01 Oct. 2024, Rhett Bourland asked:

>My question is, does anyone know what meteorite they found?

I was not able to determine an answer to this question. A more detailed examination of the below papers might help.

>If you don't know, can someone point me towards some information about the material found by the South Korean team over the years?

I found a few publications using Google Scholar searching for-
"Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites" / "KOREAMET”.

Some of these reports are archived at the "KOPRI depository" at

KOPRI stands for "Korea Polar Research Institute of Marine Research”.

They include:

이종익, 2009. 2006-2008 Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites (KOREAMET). 
지질학회지, 45(6), pp.621-637.

최변각, 박창근, 안인수 and 이종익, 2009. Classification and petrological and geochemical characteristics of Antarctic meteorites found by 1st, 2nd and 3rd KOREAMET. 지질학회지,
45(6), pp.593-605.

Park, C., Baek, J., Ha, S., Nagao, K., Park, S., Ahn, I., Moon, J.J., Yoo, I.S. and Lee, J.I., 2015. 
Report on classification of Antarctic meteorites from the 2014/15 KOREAMET season.


Paul H.