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Wednesday 9 October 2024

Fireball Movie Question- Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites, KOREAMET 08OCT2024

Fireball Movie Question- Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites, KOREAMET  08OCT2024

In [meteorite-list] Fireball Movie Question on Tue, 01 Oct. 2024, Rhett Bourland asked:

>My question is, does anyone know what meteorite they found?

I was not able to determine an answer to this question. A more detailed examination of the below papers might help.

>If you don't know, can someone point me towards some information about the material found by the South Korean team over the years?

I found a few publications using Google Scholar searching for-
"Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites" / "KOREAMET”.

Some of these reports are archived at the "KOPRI depository" at

KOPRI stands for "Korea Polar Research Institute of Marine Research”.

They include:

이종익, 2009. 2006-2008 Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites (KOREAMET). 
지질학회지, 45(6), pp.621-637.

최변각, 박창근, 안인수 and 이종익, 2009. Classification and petrological and geochemical characteristics of Antarctic meteorites found by 1st, 2nd and 3rd KOREAMET. 지질학회지,
45(6), pp.593-605.

Park, C., Baek, J., Ha, S., Nagao, K., Park, S., Ahn, I., Moon, J.J., Yoo, I.S. and Lee, J.I., 2015. 
Report on classification of Antarctic meteorites from the 2014/15 KOREAMET season.


Paul H.

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