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Friday, 2 April 2010

Meteorite Influx, Paleometeorites, and Impact Structures, Estonia

Meteorite Influx, Paleometeorites, and Impact Structures, Estonia

Thursday, April 1, 2010 1:19 PM

Dear Friends,

Below are some PDF files and an abstract about Ordovician
meteorite influx, fossil meteorites (paleometeorites), and
impact structures from Estonia.

Carl Alwmark, 2009, Traces in Earth's geological record of
the break-up of the L-chondrite parent body 470 Ma.
LithoLund theses No. 18, Department of Geology, Lund

Cronholm, A, 2009, The flux of extraterrestrial matter to
Earth as recorded in Paleogene and Middle Ordovician marine
sediments. LithoLund theses No. 17, Department of Geology,
Lund University.

Suuroja, K.-M., 2008, Geology and Lithology of the Early
Palaeozoic Marine Impact Structures Kardla and Neugrund
(Estonia). Department of Geology, University of Tartu, Estonia

Awlmark, C., B. Schmitz, and K. Kirsimae, 2010, The
mid-Ordovician Osmussaar breccia in Estonia linked to the
disruption of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid
belt Geological Society of America Bulletin B30040.1, first
published on March 29, 2010, doi:10.1130/B30040.1


Paul H.

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