Dear Friends,
According to Dick Pankey of the American Federation
of Mineralogical Societies, there are several current issues
in terms of legislation and regulations that couldl affect
meteorite collectors as noted on pages 25-26 of the May
2010 Backbenders Gazette at:
In California there are a couple of issues that could effect
meteorite-hunters. The first is the California Desert Conservation
Act. This legislation proposes several new National Monuments,
Wilderness areas, and more that total some two million acres.
Not only will it effect meteorite hunters, this legislation will either
restrict of prohibit collecting of rocks, minerals, and fossils from
prime collecting areas. Comments about this legislation can be
found in "Public Lands Advisory Council South California Desert
Conservation and Recreation Act of 2010" in the CFMS Newsletter,
Vol. XLVI, No. 02, February 2010, at:
In addition, the BLM office in Hollister, California is developing
a new management plan for the Clear Creek Management Area.
This will directly effect the rules and regulations governing
what can be hunted for and collected from this area in the way
of rocks, fossils, and meteorites.
Go see “Forest Service Will Host Sessions On Development Of
The New Planning Rule” at
In general, all Forest Service Districts have started the process
of revising the regulations, called "Planning Rules", that govern
the preparation of their "Forest Plans". These regulations will
directly determine how the National Forest Service develops,
amends, and revises their "Land Use Plans". All of the National
Forest Lands will be affected by the revisions of these regulations
in terms of what can be collected and who can collect it from
Forest Service lands.
Overview of Rulemaking Process!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDfxMDT8MwRydLA1cj72DTUE8TAwjQL8h2VAQAMtzFUw!!/?ss=119987&navtype=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&cid=STELPRDB5109567&navid=091000000000000&position=Feature*&ttype=detailfull&pname=Planning%20Rule-%20Home
Collaboration & Public Involvement!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjAwhwtDDw9_AI8zPwhQoY6BdkOyoCAPkATlA!/?ss=119987&navtype=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&cid=null&navid=131000000000000&pnavid=null&position=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&ttype=main&pname=Planning%20Rule-%20Collaboration%20&%20Public%20Involvement
Other legislation affecting access and collecting in western
United States is noted in "Legislative Actions Affecting Rockhounds
across the West" in the CFMS Newsletter, Vol. XLV, No. 12,
December 2009 at:
They include the creation of wilderness areas in Colorado (Hidden
Gems Wilderness); Utah (America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act S. 799
& HR 1925); California, Oregon, Montana, and elsewhere.
Finally, there is the "Hard Rock Mining and Reclamation Act of
2009". This bill was introduced into House and Senate last July
and affects the Land Claims process. Some PDF files of this
Paul H.
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