Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Size of Woodleigh impact structure, Australia, revised 27DEC2018

 Size of Woodleigh impact structure, Australia, revised

Australians find extremely rare mineral in meteorite impact

crater. Cecilia Jamasmie, Mining Com, October 16, 2018


Ultra-rare mineral points to huge impact crater in Australia

Michael Irving, New Atlas, October 17, 2018


the paper is:


Cox, M.A., Cavosie, A.J., Bland, P.A., Miljković, K. and Wingate,

M.T., 2018. Microstructural dynamics of central uplifts: Reidite

offset by zircon twins at the Woodleigh impact structure,

Australia. Geology, 46(11), pp.983-986.



Paul H.

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Some Preliminary Thoughts About New Paper About Putative Saginaw Impact Structure 26DEC2018

 Some Preliminary Thoughts About New Paper About Putative Saginaw Impact Structure

There is a lot of celebrating, possibly premature, and
likely confirmation bias, at the Cosmic Tusk to be
seen in "Saginaw Bay fingered by gravity data as ice
impact feature" at

The new paper about the putative Saginaw impact
structure being talked about is:

Klokočník, J., Kostelecký, J. and Bezděk, A., 2018. The
putative Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake
Huron, in the light of gravity aspects derived from recent
EIGEN 6C4 gravity field model. Journal of Great Lakes

In part, they concluded:

"We do not see any typical impact crater related to the
putative Saginaw Bay impact in terms of (delta)g and Tzz,
possibly because of a thick layer of ice at the place and
time of the impact."

This conclusion ignores past ice sheet reconstructions
that completely invalidate this argument as discussed
and illustrated in published papers such as Connallon
et al. (2017), Larson and Kincare (2009), Luehmann
(2015), Kincare and Larson (2009), and Schaetzl et al.
(2017). For example, Connallon et al. (2017) illustrates
and documents the existence of a broad, sandy delta,
the Chippewa delta developed along the shoreline of
various stages of Glacial Lake Saginaw, a proglacial lake
that occupied the Saginaw Basin between circa 17,000
and 15,000 BP. In addition, two older proglacial lakes,
early Glacial Lake Saginaw and Glacial Lake Arkona
have been shown to have occupied the Saginaw Basin
based upon their relict and well-dated shoreline ridges
as discussed by Connallon et al. (2017), Larson and
Kincare (2009), Luehmann (2015), and Kincare and
Larson (2009), among others.

The existence of deltas and recognizable and datable
shorelines circa 17,000 and 15,000 BP creates problems
for the idea that the Saginaw Basin was created by
a hypothetical Younger Dryas impact. First, the existence,
preservation, and age of the shoreline features indicate
that the Saginaw Basin existed thousands of years before
this hypothetical impact occurred. Therefore, this basin
cannot be attributed as being the result of such impact.
Second, the existence of proglacial lakes and associated
landforms indicate that the Saginaw Basin was deglaciated
thousands of years before this hypothesized impact. As
a result, an imaginary ice cover cannot be used to explain
the absence of "typical impact crater" resulting from a
proposed Younger Dryas impact. Finally, the presence
of 17,000 and 15,000 BP relict lake landforms demonstrates
that neither glaciers nor extraterrestrial impactors have
modified the Saginaw Basin since their formation. Thus,
a person can reasonably refute either the formation or
disturbance of the Saginaw Basin by a hypothetical Younger
Dryas impact as argued by Klokočník et al. (2018) and
naively accepted by  Zamora (2017).

Klokocník et al. (2018) concluded:

"But the strike angles theta are well combed (oriented
more or less in one direction). This may be a trace
of high pressure due to the  impacting body (Fig. 8).
For this reason, we do not write ‘a requiem for the
Younger Dryas impact hypothesis’ (see Pinter et al.,

Even if this gravity interpretation is correct, any impact
that might be associated with the Saginaw Basin must
predate the age of known proglacial glacial lakes that
are documented have filled it. Therefore, it would be
much too old to be useful as an argument either for or
against the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis. How the
gravity data is interpreted is totally irrelevant to any
discussion of the  Younger Dryas impact hypothesis. In
fact, I suspect that Mr. Michael Davias would prefer a
much older age -around 790,000 BP for any such

Klokocník et al. (2018) concluded:

"We present a new approach, based on recent,
high quality gravity data and on the use of a set
of the gravity aspects, which is not widely
applied yet; thus, it is novel. With the traditional
gravity anomalies only, we would not discover
anything new."

Given the absence of any unique indicators of an
extraterrestrial impact, I would tend believe that like
many "novel" techniques, this new way of interpreting
gravity data needs to be significantly fine-tuned. Also,
I suspect that "traditional gravity anomalies" failed
to detect anything because there is nothing likely to
be found. I have looked over the putative Saginaw Bay
impact and yet to find anything substantive to
collaborate the proposal that it is an impact crater of
any sort, much an event capable of creating a massive
tektite field halfway around the world as envisioned by
Mr. Michael Davias and others. For example, and
examination of the publicly available (and online logs
of oil, gas, and water wells, would show a complete
absence of the type of bedrock crater and deformation
that such an impact would incur if it in fact created
a massive tektite field as argued.

References Cited:

Connallon, C.B. and Schaetzl, R.J., 2017. Geomorphology
of the Chippewa River delta of Glacial Lake Saginaw,
central Lower Michigan, USA. Geomorphology, 290,

Larson, G.J., and Kincare, K. 2009. Late Quaternary history
of the eastern midcontinent region, USA. In: Michigan
Geography and Geology, Schaetzl, R., Darden, J., and
Brandt, D. (eds.). Custom Publishing, New York, pg. 69–90.

Luehmann, M.D., 2015. Relict Pleistocene deltas in the
Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Michigan State University.

Klokocník, J., Kostelecký, J. and Bezděk, A., 2018. The
putative Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake
Huron, in the light of gravity aspects derived from
recent EIGEN 6C4 gravity field model. Journal of
Great Lakes Research.

Kincare, K., and Larson, G.J. 2009. Evolution of the Great
Lakes. In: Michigan geography and geology, Schaetzl, R.J.,
Darden, J.T., and Brandt, D. (eds.). Pearson Custom
Publishing, Boston, MA. pg. 174–190.

Schaetzl, R.J., Lepper, K., Thomas, S.E., Grove, L., Treiber,
E., Farmer, A., Fillmore, A., Lee, J., Dickerson, B. and Alme,
K., 2017. Kame deltas provide evidence for a new glacial
lake and suggest early glacial retreat from central Lower
Michigan, USA. Geomorphology, 280, pp.167-178.

Zamora, A., 2017. A model for the geomorphology of the
Carolina Bays. Geomorphology, 282, pp.209-216.

P.S. some names and symbols have been reinterpreted
to avoid them being turned into gibberish when posted.


Paul H.

Saturday, 22 December 2018

New Paper on Putative Saginaw Impact Structure, Michigan 22DEC2018

 New Paper on Putative Saginaw Impact Structure, Michigan

There is a new paper in the Journal of Great Lakes Research
that people interested in impact structures and craters might
miss because it outside the usual reading list of journals.

It is:

J. Klokočník, J. Kostelecký and A. Bezděk, The putative
Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake Huron, in
the light of gravity aspects derived from recent EIGEN
6C4 gravity field model. Journal of Great Lakes Research,

I do not know enough about exotic ways of processing
gravity data that are needed to understand "combed
strike angles" represent, to offer any opinion about
they are and represent.

Any comments from experts in interpreting gravity data
are welcomed.


Paul H.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Did a Supernova Kill Earth's Marine Megafauna 2.5 Million Years Ago? 16DEC2018

Did a Supernova Kill Earth's Marine Megafauna 2.5 Million Years Ago?

Megalodon may have been killed off by Supernova radiation, Hannah Osborne, Newsweek, December 13, 2018

Massive supernova explosion may have wiped out giant prehistoric sharks, scientists say. Megalodon may have been among creatures driven to extinction after cosmic particles drove up cancer rates, new study claims
The Independent, Josh Gabbatiss, December 2018

The paper is;

Adrian L. Melott, Franciole Marinho, and Laura Paulucci 2018, Hypothesis: Muon Radiation Dose and Marine
Megafaunal Extinction at the End-Pliocene Supernova.
Astrobiology, Published Online, November 27, 2018


Paul H.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Dead Sea, Jordan, Community Wiped Out by Air Burst? 23NOV2018

 Dead Sea, Jordan, Community Wiped Out by Air Burst?

An exploding meteor may have wiped out ancient Dead Sea
communities. Archaeologists at a site in what's now Jordan
have found evidence of a cosmic calamity
by Bruce Bowe, Science News, November 20, 2018


Paul H.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Is Ownership Governed by Surface Rights or Mineral Rights ? 21NOV2018

 Is Ownership Governed by Surface Rights or Mineral Rights ?

This is an interesting legal battle about whether
surface rights or mineral rights determines fossil

Fight over dinosaur fossils comes down to what’s a mineral
 By Amy Beth Hanson, AP, Washington Post, November 16, 2018

The article states:

"Ownership of two fossilized dinosaur skeletons found on a
Montana ranch in 2006 are the subject of a legal battle over
whether they are part of a property’s surface rights or mineral
rights. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued  a split
decision saying fossils are minerals under mineral rights laws."

In case of meteorites, would a fall found on the surface be
governed by surface rights and a buried meteorite dug
from the ground be governed by mineral rights?  :-)  :-)


Paul H.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Greenland Impact Crater - Open Access Paper 16NOV2018

 Greenland Impact Crater - Open Access Paper

The open access paper about the Greenland impact crater

Kurt H. Kjaer, Nicolaj K. Larsen, Tobias Binder, and many others
A large impact crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier in northwest
Greenland. Science Advances 14 Nov 2018:Vol. 4, no. 11, eaar8173
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar8173


Paul H.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Giant Impact Crater Might Be Hidden Under Greenland Icesheet 15NOV2018

 Giant Impact Crater Might Be Hidden Under Greenland Icesheet

This is interesting. :-)

Scientists Spot What May Be a Giant Impact Crater
Hidden Under Greenland Ice By Meghan Bartels,, November 14, 2018


Paul H.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Tennessee Extraterrestrial Impact Structures 02NOV2018

Tennessee Extraterrestrial Impact Structures

For people interesting in looking at hypothesized extraterrestrial
impact structures in Tennessee, I would recommend:

Ford, J.H., 2015. The Tennessee meteorite impact sites
and changing perspectives on impact cratering (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Southern Queensland).


Paul H.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Soviet Moon Rocks For sale 31OCT2018

 Soviet Moon Rocks For sale

Real Moon Rocks Go Up For Auction in New York, Expected
to Fetch Nearly $1 Million, Matt Novak, Paleofuture

The article stated:

"Next month Sotheby's in New York will auction off some of the only
moon rocks that can be legally owned by private individuals."
As we all know, this is not correct. Lunar meteorites, which are
also pieces of the Moon are legal to buy and sell freely.

They are still pricey. :-(


Paul H.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Bronze Age iron: Meteoritic or not? A chemical strategy. 16OCT2018

 Bronze Age iron: Meteoritic or not? A chemical strategy.

Jambon, A., 2017. Bronze Age iron: Meteoritic or not?
A chemical strategy. Journal of Archaeological Science, 88, pp.47-53

PDF file at:

Also, there is:

Chen, K., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Mei, J. and Jiang, T., 2018. Meteoritic
origin  and manufacturing process of iron blades in two Bronze
Age bimetallic objects from China. Journal of Cultural Heritage,
30, pp.45-50.

PDF file at:



Paul H.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

12 Pound Lunar Meteorite, NWA 11789, For Sale 13OCT2018

12 Pound Lunar Meteorite, NWA 11789, For Sale

For Sale! Certified Lunar Meteorite — Weight 12 Pounds
— Mileage 250,000, NPR, Space, October 11, 2018


Paul H.

Japanese Meteorites and Meteors 13OCT2018

 Japanese Meteorites and Meteors

Big rock found by Gifu man may be 2nd piece of known meteorite
By Ken Murota, The Asahi Shimbum, April 20, 2018

Artificial meteor shower planned for Japan in 2019
David Szondy, New Atlas, November 22nd, 2017


Paul H.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Did Algae Cause The Late Ordovician Mass Extinction? 10OCT2018

Did Algae Cause The Late Ordovician Mass Extinction?

Kornei, K. (2018), Tiny algae may have prompted
a mass extinction, Eos, 99,
Published on 11 July 2018.

The paper is;

Shen, J., Pearson, A., Henkes, G.A., Zhang, Y.G.,
Chen, K., Li, D., Wankel, S.D., Finney, S.C. and
Shen, Y., 2018. Improved efficiency of the
biological pump as a trigger for the Late
Ordovician glaciation. Nature Geoscience, 11(7), p.510.


Paul H.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Manicouagan Impact Structure - Online PDF Files 22SEP2018

Manicouagan Impact Structure - Online PDF Files


Below are some online PDF files about the Manicouagan
impact structure area.

Murtaugh, J.G., 1976. Manicouagan impact structure area.
Ministère des richesses naturelles, Direction générale des
mines, Exploration géologique.

Jean-Philippe L. Messier, 2003, Projet de Reserve de la
biosphere Manicouagan - Monts Groulx (Uapashke)

Geological maps of the Manicouagan Impact Structure Area

Best wishes,

Paul H.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Busy Week in Near Earth Asteroid Traffic 17SEP2018

Busy Week in Near Earth Asteroid Traffic

Several near-Earth asteroids buzz by our neighborhood
in the same week, Eric Mac, Cnet, September 10, 2018

An older article is:

America Isn't Ready to Handle a Catastrophic Asteroid
Impact, New Report Warns by Ryan F. Mandelbaum< Gizmodo


Paul H.

Asteroid miners could use Earth’s atmosphere to catch space rocks 17SEP2018

Asteroid miners could use Earth’s atmosphere to catch space rocks

Asteroid miners could use Earth’s atmosphere to
catch space rocks By Joshua Rapp, Science, Aug. 29, 2018

I love the caption to the article's illustration.

" Engineers have come up with a plan to purposefully
steer asteroids into Earth’s atmosphere and mine them
for resources in orbit. What could possibly go wrong?"


Paul H.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Galileo's "Sidereus Nuncius Martayan and Lan" 10SEP2018

Galileo's "Sidereus Nuncius Martayan and Lan"

The story of the, at first, successful forgery of
Galileo's "Sidereus Nuncius Martayan and Lan" is quite
interesting. Below, there are an interesting lecture
about, which is initially overly academic, and an
open access book to read about the forgery. It is
interesting how the expectation of a "great discovery"
might have led expert to overlook some "red flags"
about its authenticity.

Some articles are:

A Very Rare Book

The mystery surrounding a copy of Galileo’s pivotal treatise.
By Nicholas Schmidl, The New Yorker, December 13, 2018

How a Book Thief Forged a Rare Edition of Galileo’s Scientific
Work, and Almost Pulled it Off in Books | February 11th, 2014

Unmasking a Galileo Forgery
Albert Van Helden, First Published July 25, 2014

An online lecture mostly about this forgery,

"Fake, Facsimile, Print: The Techniques and Technologies
of Textual Reproduction, 1450 To The Future.
CAS MillerComm 2015 Nick Wilding

The open-access book is:

A Galileo Forgery: Unmasking the New York Sidereus Nuncius
Horst Bredekamp,Irene Brückle & Paul Needham. Vol. iii of
Galileo’s O, edited by & Horst Bredekamp (Walter de Gruyter,
Berlin, 2014). Pp. 102. ISBN 978-3-11-035464-5.


Paul H.

Saturday, 8 September 2018

UNIRIO Students Collecting Photos to Remember Brazil’s Destroyed National Museum 08SEP2018

 UNIRIO Students Collecting Photos to Remember Brazil’s Destroyed National Museum

The students at UNIRIO, the Federal University of
the State of Rio de Janeiro are collecting visitor's
photos of Brazil's Museu Nacional in order to
remember something of what has been lost.

Students Are Collecting Photos to Remember Brazil’s
Destroyed National Museum. After a fire tore through
the institution, visitors’ images have become an
informal archive of its collections.
by  Sarah Laskow, Atlas Obscura, September 4, 2018


Paul H.