Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2024 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2024 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Free Online Paleontology (And Other) Books Courtesy Johns Hopkins University Press 26MAR2020

 Free Online Paleontology (And Other) Books Courtesy Johns Hopkins University Press

Although this is off-topic, thought people on list still might

appreciate it given the circumstances.

Johns Hopkins University Press has made available online books

for free for this period of cancelled or remote classes. Some

paleontology books, of which each chapter can be downloaded

free as a PDF are:


Birds of Stone: Chinese Avian Fossils from the Age of Dinosaurs

Luis M. Chiappe and Meng Qingjin, 2016


The Rise of Birds: 225 Million Years of Evolution

Sankar Chatterjee, 2015


Transylvanian Dinosaurs

David B. Weishampel and Coralia-Maria Jianu, 2011


The Rise of Marine Mammals: 50 Million Years of Evolution

Annalisa Berta, 2017


The Rise of Reptiles: 320 Million Years of Evolution

Hans-Dieter Sues, 2019


Smilodon: The Iconic Sabertooth

edited by Lars Werdelin, H. Gregory McDonald, and

Christopher A. Shaw, 2018


Other free books by Johns Hopkins University Press

can be found at:




Paul H.

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