Including Original "Paul H. Letters" Copyright © 1996-2025 Paul V. Heinrich / website © 1996-2025 Dirk Ross - All rights reserved.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Interesting and Sub-noteworthy Preprints from the arXiv Preprint Archive 22MAR2020

 Interesting and Sub-noteworthy Preprints from the arXiv Preprint Archive

Some interesting and sub-noteworthy preprints from the arXiv preprint archive.


Barnes, J.W., O'Brien, D.P., Fortney, J.J. and Hurford, T.A., 2002.

Superiority of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (LPL) over

Steward Observatory (SO) at the University of Arizona. arXiv

preprint astro-ph/0204013.


Morzinski, Katie M., and Jared R. Males. "On the influence of the

Illuminati in astronomical adaptive optics." arXiv preprint

arXiv:1203.6708 (2012).


Schoch, Daniel. "Gods as Topological Invariants." arXiv preprint

arXiv:1203.6902 (2012).


Armstrong, E., 2012. Non-detection of the Tooth Fairy at Optical

Wavelengths. arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.0492.


Tippett, B.K., 2012. Possible bubbles of spacetime curvature

in the South Pacific. arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.8144.


Rachen, J.P. and Gahlings, U.G., 2013. Conspiratorial cosmology-

the case against the Universe. arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.7476.


Kane, S.R. and Selsis, F., 2014. A Necro-Biological Explanation

for the Fermi Paradox. arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.8146.


Scott, D., Frolop, A., Narimani, A. and Frolov, A., 2015. A

Farewell to Falsifiability. arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.00108.


Lund, M.B., 2016. Astrology in the Era of Exoplanets. arXiv

preprint arXiv:1603.09496.


Frolop, A. and Scott, D., 2016. Pi in the sky. arXiv preprint



Armstrong, E., 2017. A Neural Networks Approach to

Predicting How Things Might Have Turned Out Had I

Mustered the Nerve to Ask Barry Cottonfield to the Junior

Prom Back in 1997. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10449.


The above list is modified from "Fake Physics: Spoofs,

Hoaxes and Fictitious Science by Andrew May.




Paul H.

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